(D.Gray-man fic) Boyfriend

Oct 24, 2008 02:55

Title: Boyfriend

Pairing: LaviYuu

Rating: PG-13

Genre: Humor, romance, fluff

Warnings: Kanda just being his own wonderful self ;)

Disclaimer: Do not own, never will

Summary: Sometimes the best way to have Kanda is simply irritate the hell out of him! And it’s always good to have a plan B, if everything’s not going like it should. Or at least this is what Lavi knows.

Words count: 2728

Notes: I wanted to write something fluffy, something totally silly and something not meant to be

taken seriously at all! ^^ And since neejie is having a birthday today, I think I want to dedicate this for her ^^

Unbeta’d, but I hope you enjoy it! ^^

- - -

Lavi was officially bored. He had been bored ever since they had come back from Edo, and it was, like, days ago. Three days and roughly six hours ago, to be more precise. For the red-head it felt like weeks. So there he was, sitting actually alone in the dining room, being all bored yet thoughtful.

Lavi knew that he should have been happy for being finally safe, and he was, he really was, but all this waiting wasn’t all that better, either. And, when they had been on that mission, Lavi had had more chances to lure Kanda to come and spend some alone time with him. It was pointless to say, but Lavi hadn’t succeeded even once. Damn it! He wanted to be Kanda’s boyfriend in public, too!

Like, what could possibly eat a man more than the fact that he couldn’t have little bit fun with his lady every now and then? Except the fact that now there was no lady at all, but one very bad-tempered, if unquestionably pretty, young man, whose whole being just screamed someone to come and take him, right there, right then. Though Kanda would have killed Lavi if he had tried to do that.

Lavi had moved heaven and earth to achieve his goal, but it seemed that the red-head could give it his best shot and his goal still wouldn’t warm up to him. So far Kanda hadn’t give him the time of day, not to even mention night, and that have lasted so long already! It would have been so much easier if everyone had known about him and Kanda, so he wouldn’t have had any excuses when Lavi approached him.

On the mission Lavi had volunteered to help Kanda washing his hair, but the other had refused. Then Lavi had asked if Kanda wanted to help him washing his hair, but it hadn’t worked out either. Lavi had had to go with Krory instead and it hadn’t been fun at all! If it had been Kanda, Lavi could have ’accidentally’ splash ‘some’ water on Kanda, and then Kanda would have gotten only little bit mad and as punishment he would have made Lavi undress all his wet clothes for him, and then...

‘’Hey, sweetie! It’s been way too long since I saw you last time.’’ As it was pretty extraordinary for Lavi to sit alone, it hadn’t taken long before someone had come to talk to him. Jeryy’s sudden arrival took Lavi by surprise, but he recovered quickly when the Head Chef pinched his cheek.

‘’Hey to you, too.’’ Lavi said cheerfully, not showing his astonishment. ‘’Seems that your new cooks haven’t managed to burn the place yet?’’

‘’As if you were the one to talk. I can remember that one time, when...’’

‘’Okay, that’s enough!’’ Lavi laughed. ‘’Oww, my left side started to hurt all over again. I swear that the Old Panda hasn’t kicked me so hard ever before.’’

‘’That served you just right.’’

‘’Thanks a lot.’’

‘’...But how come you, of all the people, are sitting here all alone?’’ Jeryy asked like he hadn’t heard Lavi’s interruption at all, and looked down at him.

‘’Yeah, well...’’ Then the idea came to Lavi. It was most likely the stupidest and the most reckless thing he had ever done or was going to do. It was likely that he would die later when Kanda found out, but Lavi could worry about that later. Now he had the chance he had waited. ‘’I’m waiting Yuu. We’re goin’ on a date.’’ It would take only seconds before everyone in the Order would know.

- - -

Kanda hadn’t ever in his life been so... so helpless as he was now. Mugen was broken and Kanda didn’t know what to do. He spent his days meditating and training as much as he could without his trusted sword. And, of course, avoiding that red-haired horny idiot, who obviously seemed to think he was invisible.

Honestly, hadn’t anyone else noticed how Lavi downright stalked him? But yes, it was sort of flattering to have Lav- someone following him. Though Kanda would kill everyone who dared to say or even think that he would have actually liked it. He had his reputation, damn it.

On the other hand it was really starting to irritate Kanda. Lavi had been like that ever since this... thing between them started. At first Lavi had only joked about how they would make their relationship public, but over time the seriousness in his voice had grown and grown, and now it wasn’t a joke anymore. Hell, Kanda hadn’t ever seen Lavi so determined before! That was the main reason why Kanda had isolated himself after they had come back, he just didn’t feel like handling the lovesick Lavi. Especially because he was the target of the redhead’s admiration.

The black-haired swordsman didn’t remember when he had last time had so much free time. Normally this would have been an excellent chance to practice. If Kanda had had Mugen, that’s it. The Black Order had swords of its own, but they just didn’t have the same feeling in them, and Kanda believed he was only going to get worse when he practiced with them. But since Kanda wasn’t used to idling, he had decided that training katas with some ordinary sword could do until he would have Mugen back.

He usually trained until it was dinner time, and that day was no exception. In some strange reason it felt like he had been watched, but Kanda didn’t pay any attention to it. Kanda was sure that it wasn’t anything important, whatever it was. It was, after all, an infamous fact that the Black Order’s researchers were all little crazy.

So Kanda didn’t worry about the odd atmosphere until he reached the dining room. Which was chock full. That itself wasn’t all that surprising, but the unusually deep silence which fell when Kanda stepped in, was. Okay, what the hell was going on? Slowly the talk started again, but now it was too artificial to be real. Kanda decided he didn’t care and went to have his dinner.

‘’Oooh, if it isn’t Kanda!’’ Jeryy sounded extraordinary delighted, but Kanda really didn’t have anything against the Head Chef, so he paid no attention to it. ‘’Your usual, right?’’ Kanda only nodded to that and got mentally ready for the nonsense which was going to follow. ‘’But Kanda, I must say that you are really lucky!’’ Okay, what was it now? ‘’Though it was a bit unfair to let Lavi wait so long...’’ Huh?

‘’What?’’ Kanda asked, his façade still as passive as ever.

‘’Oh darling, don’t you try to fool me! Like I wouldn’t know! Lavi told me everything! The poor baby went out to look for you when you didn’t show up.’’


‘’Oh, don’t you mind about me! More importantly, how did it go?’’


‘’Acting like you wouldn’t know, how cute it that? Sweetie, the date! How did the date go?’’

‘’The... date?’’

‘’And so modest! Oh, the young love! And Lavi’s quite catch, if you don’t mind me saying this. An eye candy, that’s what he is! But Kanda, you haven’t said anything... Is it because of me? Oh dear, I really hope I didn’t make you feel uncomfortable! Don’t care about this, it’s just me babbling! Now, here’s your soba, honey, just like you like it.’’ Jeryy gave Kanda his tray and smiled sweetly to him.

Kanda took the tray and sat down on the first empty table he saw. Lavi was so dead.

- - -

After his little chat with Jeryy Lavi had gone to the library and stayed there until the dinner was served. At first he had worried what Kanda would say when he heard what Lavi had done, but it hadn’t taken long before Lavi was totally preoccupied in reading. So, when Lavi bursted in the dining room, he didn’t think about what he had done, but was thinking what he should have for dinner. That was, before he saw Kanda. Sitting alone which wasn’t a surprise, looking murderous which wasn’t a surprise either, spotting Lavi and calling him by name... Well, one would have called that a surprise. But the way how murderous he looked and sounded...

‘’Lavi!’’ Uh-oh. And had Kanda actually growled?

’’Oh, hi there, Yuu!’’ He should be running already, he really should! One...

‘’You idiot!’’ Two...

‘’Me? I’m sure you are mistaken. See, I’m actually quite smart.’’ Three! Run, Lavi, run for your dear life! And that Lavi sure did. Kanda may not have Mugen, but he hadn’t lost his blood lust anywhere.

‘’Oooh, a lovers’ quarrel. Aren’t those two just sweet together?’’ Lavi could hear Jeryy saying, and so could Kanda, or that’s what Lavi thought because the other almost turned back. But luckily he didn’t, since it would have spoiled Lavi’s Great Plan.

- - -

They ran around the castle like that, Kanda chasing Lavi, almost half an hour. The following conversation was made:

‘’Damn it! Stop right there, idiot!’’

‘’Whole sentences, should I be flattered?’’


‘’Have you noticed that you always call me by my name when you don’t know what to say?’’


‘’Or that. By the way, it’s such a lovely weather out there, isn’t it?’’

‘’Lavi, for the last time, stop now and I won’t kill you that much.’’

‘’You can’t say that, it doesn’t sound right. It’s grammatically incorrect.’’

‘’See if I care.’’

‘’I will.’’

‘’Lavi! Stop!’’

‘’I can’t! You’d kill me!’’

‘’It serves you just right! Why the hell did you say that? And to Jeryy? Now everyone knows!’’

‘’I know. That was sorta my point the whole time.’’


‘’Oops, imagine I didn’t say that?’’

‘’Lavi, you are impossible!’’

‘’Thank you, I didn’t know you care.’’


‘’It wasn’t a compliment? And here I thought you loved me.’’

‘’Stop joking around now.’’

‘’I can do that. If I can keep on running.’’

‘’Fine! Lavi, you don’t have to stop, but at least tell me why you told Jeryy.’’

‘’Because I want to grope you in public, too!’’

‘’You are dead now!’’

‘’It was a joke, a joke, Yuu! It was not meant to be taken seriously!’’

‘’Then why did you do it?’’

‘’Because... Because I want them to know! And I’m not ashamed to admit it! I wanna them to know that!’’


‘’Yeah, yeah, I know! Telling Jeryy seemed a good plan, although I knew you’d try kill me!’’


‘’Well, you are trying to kill me! But I kinda hoped you’d not, but since I wasn’t too sure about it, I made up a Plan B!’’

‘’And what is that?’’

‘’It’s this.’’

Their nice little conversation came to an abrupt end when Lavi led them inside a room and the door shut behind their backs. And, of course, it wouldn’t be opened without the key.

- - -

‘’This is your brilliant plan?’’ Kanda sounded furious and Lavi couldn’t blame him.

‘’I didn’t say it was good.’’ Lavi defended himself, and at the same time he mentally congratulated himself for coming up with such a good plan.

‘’Let me out of here.’’ Kanda demanded as he examined the small room.


‘’Now!’’ Kanda looked back at him, and if a stare could kill Lavi was sure he would be dead by now.

‘’Sorry, Yuu, but I can’t. I don’t have the key.’’ Lavi said carelessly and looked at fuming Kanda.

‘’Well, isn’t this great. I say you break the door.’’

‘’Nah, I say we make ourselves comfortable while we’re here. It may take a while before they come to rescue us.’’ That being said, Lavi sat down on the concrete floor.

‘’This is just fucking great.’’ Kanda muttered and leaned against the wall. ‘’You know, once we are out of here...’’

‘’Don’t make promises you can’t keep.’’ Lavi said cheerfully and winked at Kanda, who turned his head.


- - -

It was relatively hard to figure out what time it could be, but Lavi was pretty sure that they had been in the room few hours. Kanda had sat down at some point, too, as he had stopped his complaining and was now only staring at Lavi murderously. One could have thought that progress was being made between them.

‘’So... Since we don’t know how long it will possibly take before someone comes and sets us free, I was thinkin that maybe we could make out?’’ Lavi suggested and moved next to Kanda.

‘’You are one horny idiot, you know that?’’ The other had closed his eyes, like he had been meditating.

‘’No, I’m idiot in love! And maybe a bit horny, too. But that’s only because you haven’t spent any alone time with me in a very long time! And it’s not just that, Yuu. I miss you.’’ Lavi said and Kanda opened his eyes so he could look at him.

‘’So this is my fault, then?’’

‘’I’m not sayi-- Wait, yeah, it is.’’

‘’If you wanted me so badly, why you just didn’t get me here without telling everyone about us?’’ Kanda asked, maybe suddenly and out of nowhere, but he wanted to know the answer. He didn’t want to wait any longer.

‘’Because I lied earlier. I do wanna grope you also in public.’’ Lavi was trying his best to wrap his arms around Kanda, who tried his best to avoid them.

‘’Lavi...’’ Kanda said warningly.

‘’It’s pointless to say you’d kill me. It’s became pretty clear that you wouldn’t.’’

‘’There's always a first time.’’

‘’Yeah, right.’’

‘’You didn’t answer my question.’’

‘’I did. I’ve given you multiple answers already. But since you seem a bit slow today, I’ll tell you once more. I like you. I mean I really, really like you, and I wanna spend time with you and I wanna do it so that everyone knows. I want you to be my boyfriend, you know. And yeah, maybe I was a bit frustrated earlier when I told Jeryy, but that’s only because I want you so badly. And it’s not just sex, though it’s great, too, but I want the whole package. Your grumpiness and sulkiness and prettiness and I want everyone to know that they can’t have it, because you picked me. Not them, me.’’

- - -

Kanda didn’t know what to say or think. He was still mad at Lavi, but the other was doing his best to make the black-haired exorcist to calm down. And it really was hard to be angry at Lavi when he looked like a kicked puppy. And how corny it was to prefer anyone to a kicked puppy?

‘’Okay,’’ Kanda said, ‘’You won.’’

‘’Huh? I did?’’ Lavi sounded bemused, like he couldn't have believed Kanda would give up so easily.

‘’You are surprisingly stupid for someone who claims to be so smart.’’

‘’Heh, maybe I am. So, wanna make out now? Or should we wait until Lenalee comes and saves us? She should be here soon enough, and I don’t want that she sees anything which would upset her.’’ Lavi confessed somewhat sheepishly.

‘’You had someone coming here all along?’’ Kanda asked incredulously. He should have guessed, he really should have. Damn that red-haired idiot and his always practical mind.

‘’Yeah, well it could’ve taken days before they’d’ve found us. But hey, could you hold my hand when we come out?’’ Lavi acted like he hadn’t noticed Kanda’s growing irritation at all, and that irritated Kanda even more.

‘’You really are an idiot.’’

‘’I liked it better when you called me unbelievable.’’ Lavi said and smiled so sweetly that it really was hard to be mad at him. The other used that smile always when he wanted to have his own way, probably because he knew that Kanda couldn’t resist it.

‘’You are that too.’’

‘’Nice to hear. But, now when everyone knows, would you like to go out with me for real? Would the dining room make a good place?’’ Kanda smacked Lavi before he kissed him. Yes, he had missed Lavi too. And now everyone knew that they had lost their chances to have the redhead. Because Lavi was his.

- - -

Notes 2: Nothing to say (not now, at least). I hope it was fun to read! ^^

Notes 3: (3:23 PM) Whew, just read the whole thing again, corrected few things here and there... I really enjoyed writing this (especially the dialogues), and I hope you liked this, too ^^

d.gray-man, fic, laviyuu

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