That user pic is not really suitable when it comes to this writing... although it sort of is.

Oct 15, 2008 01:29

I have so much to say but somehow I just can't bring myself to write it down. My thoughts are scattered all over my mind. And I really should be sleeping by now since I have sort of an early morning tomorrow (or later today ^^), I have nice 8 hours of work tomorrow and before that I'm (FINALLY) going to hear the (so far) final results of the blood tests they took. I don't know what I should expect... I kind of hope they found out something, because otherwise it's likely that they will only have more tests to be taken and I really, really hate hospitals.

But then I really hope that they'll say that I'm just a person who needs more sleep than others, or something like that. Let's just say that the first test results showed that this wouldn't be something which will get better with antibiotics. I'm more than a bit nervous and I hope I will get good news because I don't know how I will react... And no matter what, I just have to keep smiling at work after that (damn customer service)...

I think I'll go to sleep now, I have to get up after six and (almost) half hours -.-"

...I know I will be on a much better mood tomorrow (later today), I don't like how distressed I sound, since it's usually me who's all happy-go-lucky.

And yeah, I have to post something more cheerful tomorrow (later today), after I have checked out what I have thought now XD.

my life

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