Jul 30, 2006 16:49
I went a wedding this weekend... holy crap it was the most fun i've ever had.
It was for drew's co-worker who's he's pretty good friends with, he basically knows her entire family...
so we go to this adorable little podunk town and get lost a bunch of times
when we finally get there we just laugh throughout the entire (catholic) ceremony
After that we go to the reception And get smashed and dance terribly.
it was hilarious.
everyone in the wedding party was totally (i mean totally) pissed, and excluding the bride and groom, had been since nine that moorning....
Drew and i kept alking about how there was no way we could compete with these Whynot (hehe) folks....
theyve all been partying since before we were born.
sample garb:
Blair (bride's brother): "Drew! Drew... i've been looking all over for you."
Drew:"what's up?"
B:"i know my eyes are totally red right now but i;m alright... I just smoked a joint this morning and then anotherone before the ceremony with tc (his 19 year old brother)"
D:"okay blair"
B"drew if anyone asks i'm alright. i mean if you say i'm alright drew then i know i am."
D:"okay Blair. you're alright"
B:"THanks guys... did you lke my speech? they pulled me off the stage before i could get to my point. I'm a rambling guy it akes me a while to get to my point. I didn't mean to call haley (the bride) a bitch... she's like my best friend."
i love it.