Tag; you're it.

Jul 02, 2008 08:17

So I’ve looked over the previous 1,496 entries and tagged some, largely so I can find some idea or notion or citation to reuse as fit - teachers are recyclers, to a large degree.
I've tagged this entry with all to serve as a key, should any be curious.

Poetry/lyric refers to the writing of others, and are cited. There are 171 tags.
Classroom refers either to matters therein, or items that may have use there. There are 152 entries.
Spirit refers to my opinion on matters of spirituality, with 116 posts, as opposed to
Wisdom text(s), which are the cited writings of the sages, largely Sifu Lao-Tse and Tsunemoto-sensei, along with the words attributed to Odin. 115 entries.
Poem is my poetry. (Perhaps you’ve already noted that some poetry lacks citation.) These 43 are mine, and I post them as leadership by example: posting poetry is a vulnerable act.
The 40 markers on love/friendship are is my advice to you young navigators of these straits. And free advice is worth every penny you paid.
I have tagged 36 dreams.
One period of journaling lead to the accumulation of 32 survey/memes, which might offer a complete psychological profile of kingsleya.
Or not.
Story refers simply to anecdotes I might wish to readily find again. 26 posts.
Writing in the verbal sense: 23 posts germaine to the act.
D and D posts, some of the most popular comment-wise, weigh in with seven.

In rereading these, I’ve found that in reading posts about a year out, the feeling is as fresh as if it were the day. While that may be the same with some older posts, that's rarer; memories were made to fade.

The cancer posts are hard. When you are possessed of an imagination and memory that allows reliving the six senses of a situation, you understand why memories
to fade.
I had considered making a tag for such, but I’d rather consider those narrows navigated, the knowledge sunk into the pilot’s hands that helm the wheel with weather eye - for storms come again, as do calms.

But I’ve come circle, I think: I can see I restate much.

But Lilith says keep writing.
And it is wise to heed Lilith.

wisdom text, writing, d and d, story, spirit, dream, others' poems, classroom, my poems, survey/meme, love/friendship

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