Oct 10, 2007 14:16
So, I haven't posted much lately, as all six of you who read this may have noticed. The main reason is that I've been a little depressed, mainly due to my increasingly depressing work situation. Without getting into it too much, the combination of doing work I loathe (support), the tenuous and ever-fluctuating financial situation there, and the ridiculous daily commute, among various other issues, things have just really been getting to me.
But never fear; things are looking up. First, my dad spotted and forwarded to me a job posting for a proofreading job for an advertising company. Even better, it turned out we knew someone who worked there. So of course I applied for that, and everything went swimmingly until the old dudes who actually own the place decided that the familiar person who applied (who used to work for them a few years ago) was preferable to someone new. So then I was down about that, because everything about this job was damn near perfect. The work, the location, the money, the people (as far as I could tell), everything. Just fantastic. But such is life.
On the upswing again, it turns out that the woman who got the job left another proofreading job to take it. And this proofreading job happens to have been at the company where my brother-in-law works, so the process begins anew. It's not quite as perfect for me as the advertising company, but it could still be pretty awesome, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for that.
Regardless of whether or not that works out, I'm still quitting my current job. Gave notice yesterday, and I already feel much better. I've been planning to leave for a while, but of course, have been keeping that mostly to myself, so finally having it out there takes away some of the stress, and having a rapidly approaching endpoint to the horror is even better.
It's a little scary to not have a definite job to go to once I'm done here, but even if the proofreader thing doesn't end up panning out, I've put some feelers out toward going back to Chapters for Christmas, which would give me time to regroup and catch my breath, and also gives me a few months in which to do a good solid job search for something better. The drastic pay cut this will involve is a little frightening, but at least I would be getting paid regularly, as scheduled, which in my mind is an improvement over more money that you have no idea when or if it will turn up. Probably no one should expect any particularly lavish Christmas prezzies this year, though.
So anyway, that's where I'm at right now, and hopefully I'll start to be a little more communicative as my life stops making me want to jam chopsticks into my ears. If nothing else, there's bound to be the occasional Tale from the Bookstore.