Nov 29, 2003 20:23
I tink we should be able to bowl to Hogsmeade every weekend. There's nowt to do in this castle when we're not having classes. Last weekend was a blind bit of all right! That Alice bird did me the honour of coming wi' me and we had the fabmost time. I picked up a tonne of sweets and most of thems gone now. I think all me frogs slipped off with them Hufflepuff mixers, its no fair for them to take the strokes with my chocolate, eh?
And what's this about Diggory and Bagman being camp, eh? I mean, I could see Diggory, right? Cause he's got them penguins and them poncy bins, but Bagman? He's no nance, that's fe se.
So what's the deal Ludo? Are ye a poof? Been havin' oodles of woo with ol' Amos have ya?