Sep 12, 2005 19:09
Sign: War is Hell.
*stands in front of sign for a few seconds with a spraypaint can*
*steps away*
Sign: WOrK is Hell.
That's right ladies and gents. n.n; Not particularly enjoying my job at the moment. I only have one other day off this entire week, counting the weekend. The working part isn't bad at all, it's actually pretty easy, hell, it's even fun, but I was not suposed to be working like 30 hours a week. x.x;;;;
Something more along the lines of half that would be to my taste.
On a happier note:
1) Loving my Savvy more than ever. n.n Just the thought is a huge boost to my mood that lasts all day long.
2) Classes aren't that hard, I just need to find the time/will to actually work in them.
3)Um... I've got burritos and guacamole. Heh... *pokes tummy* Food always makes me happy.
4)Mike and me are now officially the proud owners of an original SNES system, with Illusion of Gaia, Mega Man X, and The Power Rangers Movie game. *passes out from the nostalgia*
Finally, I hope all of you guys sweated out the hurricane okay. Heard some rough stuff about the school involving 8 feet of water, and a whole bunch of fried-as-hell hardware. So some verification or denial of such claims would be quite comforting, if I could get a response from someone who would know first hand. n.n;;;;