for Lloyd and Bert

May 18, 2009 00:09

It was getting to be late, but that wasn't stopping Sandor from going to the club for a drink. Lloyd and Bert were working, which was most of the reason he was going there in the first place, and he found he was very much looking forward to sitting at the bar and (a phrase of Lloyd's comes to mind) shooting the shit with them. It seemed like a long time since Sandor had really been able to relax around Bert; thoughts of the test, and now Cort's presence on the island made him always a little wary, ever conscious of what lay ahead of them.

But tonight all Sandor wanted was to unwind with a drink and talk to his friends, and so as he stepped into the Catscratch he put out of his mind all thoughts of guns and Cort and anything that didn't concern alcohol and making jokes at Lloyd and Bert's expense. "Who's a guy gotta threaten to get a drink around here," he said as he sat down, affecting a sneer like he'd been waiting instead of being one of only three people at the bar.

bert, lloyd

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