Bev's Volleyball Game Pics v(^o^)v

Sep 14, 2006 13:36

haha.. so here are the pics of Bev's volleyball game @ Mills yesterday.. haha.. with some crazy Reinc ppl.. xD

hahaha.. just crazy Reinc ppl..

kehehe.. me and Bev chan.. (^3^)

anywayz.. these are the pics that me & Reinc ppl took on Sunday's rehersal.. we were all dressed in costumes ne.. v(^o^)v

CRAZY REINC PPL~!!.. \(^o^)/

(-______-)||| getting ready i guess.. xD

KYAAAAAAAAAA~!! (>3<) Shiwei chan wa CHO KAWAII ne~!!

hahaha.. watashi to Sophie chan wa dancing "Justin".. xD

HAHAHA.. xD Wesley kun to Dave kun fooling around.. (>v<)|||

hahahahahahahahahaha.. (^_____^)||||||

Adrian b-d-ing.. xDDD

arigatou to Austin kun for the pics ne.. \(^_^)/

YAY~!!.. v(^o^)v club fair tomorrow~!!.. kehehe.. Reinc Club will be the BEST~!!.. (>3<) wakaka.. *evil grins*

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