Ren chan no "Hong Kong Review"

Sep 06, 2006 07:45

minasan.. konnichiwa~!!.. v(^_^)v

REN CHAN DESU~!! \(^o^)/ wakaka.. o genki?.. (^_^) sou dayou ne.. it's been so long.. haha.. last time was July 17th.. gomen ne.. been too lazy to do this.. (>v<)||| kehehe.. ja.. ima talk about my trip to Hong Kong this summer.. so many happy memories ne.. =(^v^)=

HERE I GO.. d(^_^)b

remember this pic?.. i guess i showed it on one of the earliest posts.. haha.. sou dayou.. it was taken the day i got off the plane after staying in the same seat hitting my butt to the highest tempature for 13 hors straight.. *deep breath* hai.. can't you tell i looked hecka tired?.. hahaha.. xD i'm so glad to see Judy chan again.. it's been what?.. 2 years.. (TvT) i had so much fun with her.. i mean.. THIS MUCH.. v(^_^)v hontouni arigatou ne.. Judy chan.. you're my best cousin forever~!!.. \(^3^)/ love you to death~!!

so.. the 1st thing i did was to get my hair CUT~!! YATTA NE~!! it turned out a hecka FOB one.. \(>3<)/ kyaaaaaaa~!! haha.. arigatou to Fenki san.. (^_^ )( ^_^) the greatest hair-cutter on earth.. haha.. in my mind i guess.. xD hahaha.. hontouni seki desu yo~!! v(^o^)v

sugoi ne.. ne?.. (^_^) kehehe..

seeing Nate kun was one of the best thing ever ne.. it's been 4 damn years ne.. haha.. after all.. he's my onii chan ne.. \(^3^)/ kehehe.. had so much fun hanging out with him even tho there were only 2 days.. (^_^) ma.. sou dayou.. ima wait another 2 years to see him again ne.. kehehe.. he's Hong Kong's youngest teacher ne.. kawaii sou?.. =(^.^)= kehehe.. i'm missing him so much now.. (T3T)

hahahaha.. xD this is probably one of the best pics of DB kun ne.. haha.. he's my other cousin.. whom i've been looking forward to see in so many years.. v(^_^)v kehehe.. it's so awesome that i got to hang out with him ne.. hontouni daisuki yo DB kun.. \(^3^)/ ma.. he's back in England now.. don't know when we'll meet again next time.. (^_^) he might be married when i see him next time ne.. hahahaha.. (>v<)|||

haha.. this is one of my favorite pics from this trip.. (^_^) kehehe.. DB kun taught me and Judy chan play snoocer.. arigatou ne DB kun.. \(^o^)/ so fun ne.. haha.. it was like "The Cousin Day".. xD hahahaha.. sou dayou.. the happiest thing was i made the black ball in.. YATTA~!! d(^v^)b kehehe.. demo ne.. i kinda forgot how to play snoocer again.. xD haha.. gomen ne DB kun.. (^_^)|||

(^_^) so this is me and my sis.. \(^3^)/ we were in the Ocean Park ne.. that was the 1st time tho.. haha.. coz i went there twice this year.. xD haha.. sou dayou ne.. it was so fun coz only 2 of us were there ne.. =P kehehe.. haven't seen her for so long too.. missed her so much and all that.. (T3T) sou dayou ne.. things seemed to change between us ne.. maybe it's coz we're living in different place ne.. now i'm back here and don't know if she would like to come visit me next year or not.. (>_<)||| demo ne.. just wanna let her know that i'm never gonna change her place in my mind.. she's always gonna be in my heart forever ne.. (^3^) kehehe.. love her to death too.. kehehe..

sou dayou ne.. this pic is one of my favorite from this trip too.. (^_^) kehehe.. coz the background was so pretty ne.. we took this one inside an aquariam at Ocean Park.. so many funny fishes ne.. v(^o^)v haha.. demo ne i didn't see any fish feeder this time.. haha.. last time i went back to Hong Kong.. i saw one while watching fishes.. and he was like waving at me.. so i waved back.. and i asked him to take a pic too.. haha.. he showed me an "okay" sign in the water.. haha.. it was like one of the best moment i've ever had.. coz it was so cool ne.. (^3^) kehehe.. his pose in the water was one hand holding fish food and the other hand making a peace sign.. (^_^)v hontouni kawaii yo.. kehehe.. it's still in my memory now.. and i think i still got that pic.. xD hahaha.. ask me for that if you want.. v(^o^)v kehehe..

kehehe.. here are my primary school friends.. \(^3^)/ i've known them for so many years.. and they're part of my life ne.. kehehe.. i just can't forget about them.. they're all so lovely and adorable.. love hanging out with them.. v(^o^)v so fun.. kehehe.. so yeah.. we were eating dinner at a place in Causeway Bay after singing karaoke.. (^_^) i miss all of them so much ne.. (T3T)

hahaha.. xD i got to meet up with Dave and Dora in Hong Kong ne.. d(^v^)b haha.. had dinner and hanged out a bit.. later on Iris and Stephanie came out too.. demo ne.. i forgot to take pics with them ne.. (T_T) haha.. it was fun ne.. \(^o^)/

haha.. then when my parents came back.. we immediately celebrated okasan no bashidei ne.. (^_^) the food wa.. SUGOI~!!.. hontouni suki desu~!!.. like i have to finish all the things.. haha.. i was SO FULL.. (-_-)||| no wonder i got chubbier.. xD hahaha.. great food ne..

kehehe.. this is another favorite pic from this trip ne.. \(^3^)/ my family, Judy chan, sis and her family, with Noble kun and his family all went to an island in Hong Kong to eat seafood ne.. v(^_^)v hahaha.. i remember it was so funny.. that island was so dirty and old fashioned.. i didn't know there're still people living on islands like that.. haha.. anywayz.. we walked around the whole island for an hour.. my legs were so soft already.. haha.. xD sou dayou.. then we walked and walked.. we saw hella poisoned spiders~!! OMG~!! i was like.. "Spider-man is haunting us~!!".. demo ne.. Noble kun said.. "it's better like Spider-man is watching us.." xD hahahahaha.. dang.. they looked hella scary.. (@_@)||| haha.. anywayz.. the seafood was so so.. and the last ship to sail that night was at 8pm.. lol.. we were all like running to stop the ship to wait for us.. xD HAHAHA.. hontouni dayou.. xD so funny.. hai.. we had fun sailing on the ship that night.. it felt so good having your head out while sailing ne.. (^_^) kehehe.. and the nightview of Hong Kong is just so.. kirei ne.. \(^v^)/ and we all went to eat dessert that night.. haha.. i love this day so much ne.. (^3^) kehehe..

haha.. this was taken on the trip to Macau on a boat with Jud chan ne.. (^_^) kehehe.. so funny.. it was so early in the morning that the sun wasn't even out yet.. haha.. whatever.. xD anywayz.. we took so many pics while on the boat.. demo ne.. none of the pics were good.. all blurry.. so finally.. this one was taken by itself.. the timer.. xD haha.. and it was PERFECT~!!.. \(^o^)/ wakaka..

the hotel lobby was so pretty ne.. v(^3^)v kehehe.. me and Judy chan were like fooling around there.. i'm glad i didn't get yelled by those servicers coz i was so loud in the lobby like everyone was looking at me.. xD hahaha..

(@v@)||| hahaha.. the hotel room was hecka BIG too.. xD hahaha.. Judy chan helped me filmed lots of stupid videos ne.. A~!! sou dayou.. i didn't even have time to upload them on YouTube yet.. xD haha.. i'll do that someday later ne.. (^_^)||| kehehehe..

hai.. i went to Macau with bunch of ppl ne.. those 2 boys were all grown up.. haha.. the last time i saw them were like hecka short and white.. now they're totally different.. (-_-)||| gosh.. why are boys like that?.. hahaha..

at this place.. there it said "the most exciting ride".. demo ne.. (-_-)||| it turned out.. "the least exciting ride".. HAHAHA.. coz.. it was just so.. AHHHHH~!!.. i wasted my $$$ on that ne.. (T_T) mouuuuuuuu.. hahaha.. demo ne.. i had fun eating all the pork steaks and stuff.. they're all FREE~!!.. \(^o^)/ wakaka..

LOOK AT THIS CAR~!!.. v(^o^)v hontouni kawaii ne?.. kehehe.. i found it outside Mad Dog's Beef Noodles.. haha.. xD so funny.. coz it doesn't even match the restaurant.. HAHAHA.. demo ne.. kawaii ne.. (^_^)

this is the only buffet i went to in Causeway Bay ne this Hong Kong trip ne.. hontouni suki desu~!!.. \(^3^)/ kehehe.. coz the food was AWESOME.. and it took us hecka long time to take a good group pic all together.. hahaha.. coz people kept blinking and moving and stuff.. (>v<)||| HAHA.. so fun ne..

haha.. i was bored at the end.. so i made myself a dessert ne.. (^_^) kehehe.. it was only a pancake with HK mangos and an icecream scroop with choco swrills.. d(>3<)b tasted so good ne..

DAMN DB KUN~!!.. (>_<)||| i was only taking a pic with my dessert.. haha.. he just had to make stupid face beside me.. xD HAHAHA.. sou dayou ne.. DB kun wa baka desu ne.. v(^o^)v wakaka.. *evil grins* i had so much great food that night.. and had so much fun eating with my cousins and my family.. kehehe.. hontouni ureshii.. \(^o^)/

GUESS WHAT?!.. xD hahaha.. these are Judy chan, Vera chan, and my feet.. (^_^)||| haha.. we were wearing same type of socks.. haha.. "line-feet".. xD

this was the last family dinner with everyone ne.. (T_T) i had so much fun demo.. it made me sad at the same time too.. i miss Judy chan and Vera chan so much ne.. (>3<) aishiteru yo~!!

haha.. this is Lil Ethan dancing on "stage".. xD haha.. hontouni chou kawaii ne~!! \(^v^)/

you know what made me sad in this pic?.. this is the last day i saw DB kun ne.. (T____T) i felt so upset when i took this last pic with him ne.. demo ne.. i still smile for this.. (^_^) kehehe.. i hope i can see him again soon.. \(^o^)/ kehehe.. haha.. i hugged him when he left.. he's actually very good to hug.. xD haha.. coz he ain't skinny ne.. HAHAHA..

haha.. this pic was taken 2 days before i left Hong Kong.. xD i saw a few famous singers and actors up on the small stage.. haha.. i took a very blurry pic of them.. (-_-)||| gomen ne.. haha..

this is the last day i got to hang out with my primary school friends ne.. also it was the day before i left Hong Kong.. haha.. sou dayou ne.. kore wa Michi chan.. v(^3^)v kehehe.. we went to the Standly Beach.. haha.. i put my camera up to block the sun.. xD see the shade on my face?.. hahaha.. (^_^)|||

later on Vicki chan joined us ne.. \(^o^)/ kehehe.. her okasan bought us lots of icecream ne.. xD haha.. hontouni arigatou ne.. (^_^ )( ^_^)

haha.. at night.. Johnny kun joined us for dinner ne.. v(^o^)v seriously.. i haven't seen him for AGES.. haha.. actually 4 years.. xD hahaha.. demo ne.. i couldn't recognized him coz he changed so much.. especially.. (-_-)||| he's yaoi.. mou.. hahaha..

haha.. we took a silly pic together ne.. (^_^)||| kehehe.. then the 4 of us went to an arcade and wasted so many money to play games.. xD haha.. we took stickies too.. v(^o^)v it was so fun that night ne.. and Johnny kun walked me to my hotel.. coz it was dark and dangerous ne.. haha.. arigatou ne Johnny kun.. \(^_^)/

SOU DAYOU~!!.. haha.. i totally forgot to talk about HK Disneyland ne.. (>v<)||| haha.. i really love that place.. feel so much joy there ne.. (^3^) kehehe.. sou desu ne.. i went to Vera chan.. one of my lil cousins ne.. \(^o^)/ kehehe.. arigatou ne Vera chan.. (^_^) i had so much fun..

(^_^) i watched 2 shows ne.. freaking awesome shows.. that i'd die to go back to watch again.. haha.. this one was Mickey Mouse's Awards Show.. it showed tons of Disney's cartoons in musical.. hecka awesome~!!.. I LOVE IT~!!!!! (>3<) ma.. i watched another show too.. demo ne.. i didn't take any pics of that one.. coz i was TOO into it.. it was a Lion King musical.. MY FAVORITE DISNEY MOVIE~!! AWESOME MUSIC~!! (>3<) KYAAAAAAAAAAAA~!! i just love it so much when they sang "Hakuna Matata", "The Circle of Life", and "Can't You Feel The Love Tonight".. HONTOUNI SUGOI~!! \(^3^)/ i'm never gonna forget any of these things ne.. v(^o^)v freaking awesome.. totally made my day~!!

wakaka.. this is the Space Mountain.. haha.. the most excited thing to play in HK Disneyland.. xD haha.. coz lots of other things aren't built yet.. (^_^)||| hahaha.. i played like twice that day.. haha.. most of the time i spent time watching shows and stuff.. haha.. so fun ne~!! \(^o^)/

there are lots of awesome things inside each stores in the Disneyland ne.. v(^3^)v i just want them ALL~!!.. hahaha.. they're kirei ne?.. (^_^)

haha.. when we left.. there was a band playing music as farewell.. (T3T) so touching ne.. haha.. they played awesome music anywayz.. (^_~) suki desu ne..

you know.. when people leave.. they take a pic of this HUGE Mickey mouse grass.. (^_^) haha.. so lovely ne.. this just made me wanna go next time ne.. \(^o^)/ kehehe.. i really had lots of fun ne.. arigatou ne HK Disneyland.. =(^.^)= kehehe..

hahaha.. i took this Mickey train to leave HK Disneyland ne.. \(^v^)/ hontouni kawaii ne..

AWW~!!.. (T___T) this was taken the day i left.. i was on a bus before heading to the airport.. Judy chan came to see me off ne.. (T3T) haha.. it was a pretty long time waiting for all the people to get on the bus.. so i took a pic with Judy chan standing outside.. haha.. xD funny pic ne.. kehehe.. then i left ne.. (>_<)||| it was like an hour to go to the airport.. so on the bus.. i closed my eyes and thought about all the stuffs that happened this time in my Hong Kong trip.. so many happy memories.. i just.. i just.. i couldn't help it.. my tears just fell out coz of all the happiness i had this time.. (TvT)

sou dayou ne.. (^_^) this is like one of the best trip i've ever had in 2 years.. haha.. from now on.. ima miss everyone very much ne.. (T3T) and i'll always remember that you guys are always in my heart.. minasan.. hontouni aishiteru yo.. (>3<)

i wish i could hug everyone now..
*mou ichi dou tsuyoku dakishimate*

with lots of love,
<3 Ren xoxo

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