Aug 02, 2005 14:55
Well guys I finally got that root canal that I was talking about. I went pretty well, but now that the numbness has worn off the pain is my best friend. I love my love Vanessa because she tries to make me feel so good. Unfortunately she had to go to work, so I'm missing her right now. I've also come to a decision about basketball... I've decided that I will NOT play for St. Mary's this year and I will remain with the LSMSA. I've been tossing and turning with this decision, but I've finally come to a decision. I did play with St. Mary's in the summer at a few basketball camps and summeleague, but I love my school with all my heart and I'm going to be loyal to the school who gave me a chance to really play the game of basketball. Uh payday is in three days and I'm gone ball the fuck out and hook up a new wardrobe. Folks I'm talking about keeping button downs, polos, and reebok classics. Man not many people are coming back this year and it's disappointing, but we gon represent this year like always. Nick, Sha'Carra (or something like that) , Vanessa, Von , Thomas... and the new wave of members Don, Dakea(or something like that)Magan, Chris, and Zach. The newness has begun. The KING is coming back with his folks around him. Tyi spent the night a couple nights ago, in which it is always good to see Tyi. Much Love to everybody out there. " A man is good determined by the people behind him"