no one else'll take this shit from me

Feb 27, 2007 12:00

It's interesting how often things can change just because of how you look at them.

I don't hate college, I just feel like I'm missing out on it. There's not enough of what you hope to find has changed, and too much of all the old drama and spitefulness from high school. Maybe the only way to get away from that is to change into adults. Still, that's scary, because adults really aren't very interesting. Some of them are much better than others, but the coolest adults are only just about as interesting as your average teenager. So I guess we sacrifice some part of ourselves for the ability to not be an ass.

I don't really think that I should leave school, but I don't know what else to do. Sometimes it feels like the only way to change anything is to do something radical. My grades aren't too bad. I'm bombing in Spanish, and I'll have to pull that up. In British Lit. and Economics I'm doing okay, but not as well as I could be. Math is going surprisingly well. I'm suffering mostly from my own incompetence. I'm just not good at figuring out things. Not quite sure what I can do to change that.

What gets me is that nothing really interests me. Nothing, honestly. I can't think of anything that I could honestly be interested in gaining any depth of knowledge for. I've had a really strong desire for the past year or so to join the Peace Corps, but I'm not sure what kind of skills I could really learn. You have to have skills to help people. Maybe I'll just end up getting an office somewhere and giving my money away.

I've been complaining fairly often about my lack of any kind of relationship (Actually, have I? I don't know if I mentioned it that much- but in any case, it's been bugging me.) Thinking about it now, I don't really want one until I get myself sorted out some more. I'd really rather just meet someone at a party and make out with them for awhile, maybe fool around or whatever. I can be positive, upbeat, and outgoing for a few hours at a time; It's harder to deal with emotional complications. That's not to say that I'll ignore it if I meet someone I really like- It's just something to stop stressing over.

And now for something completely different. This is completely cracked out. One of the weirdest flash animations I've seen. Well, okay- It's not quite YATTA weird, but it's out there.
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