I have an Idea

Nov 08, 2004 23:27

Ok its monday evening and I really dont' wanna do one of those damn recap of the weekend things cause everyone does that shit and I'm really tired of seeing it on like everyones journal. So, suffice it to say this weekend was awesome, excluding a few minor things that couldn't be help. But oh well, I will fix that shit this week one way or another. On another note I currently in the waning hours of my 1 year anniversary dating Lydia. Most people might not care, but guess what, my previous longest relationship to this was 9 weeks 3 days, so this definitely a bit longer. Anyway life is mostly good, so yay! Viva la yay!

I have decide today that all doctors are wrong, evil worthless peices of shit, hell bent on fucking each other over to make more money. That and their cowards for fear a malpractice requires them to order even god damn invasive test known to man. ever had a camera up your nose so you could see into your throat. I have and guess what its weird fucking feeling imaginable. Not like climbing the ropes in gym class weird (please tell me someone go that) but weird like "I think I can't breathe." Oh well tomorrow is another fucking useless day of work, and the start of physcial therapy. Of course mental therapy will closely follow in most instances.
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