Whoa thats good Squishie!

Jul 06, 2007 14:01

If you really hate blatant advertising there are 2 things around you shouldd avoid. First, Transformers the Movie, and Second your local 7-11. Most of the 7-11's around the country have been getting on the branding bandwagon and transforming themselves into Quickie-Marts, due to the Simpson's movie coming out on July 27th. The Slurpee® machines are now Squishie machines, and you can even buy Buzz cola, 6 pack cans of course. There is tons of Simpsons paraphenalia < sp >, including the Duff Man bobble head. The 7-11 I just visited even had a real life Apu < insert shameless Indian stereotype, DOH! Too late >. So if you like the Simpson head on down to the Quickie Mart.
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