Forget the internet, the Military did it first.....

Mar 23, 2007 15:59

The following is a list of acronyms, that were original created by members of various militarys around the world.

* AMF YOYO - Alright, Mutha Fuckers... you're on your own. Generally means "see you later." Variation: Adios, Mutha Fucka, you're on your own.
* AMIIGAF - Ask me if I give a fuck
* BOHICA - Bend over, here it comes again
* BOYC - Bitches, obey your commander! (Or "Balls on your chin")
* CF - Cluster Fuck
* DAS - Dumb as Shit
* DILLIGAF/DILLIGAS - Do I Look Like I Give A Fuck/Shit? Interogative form of, "(It) don't mean nothing." Both often heard in Vietnam.
* FIGMO - Fuck It, Got My Orders
* FISHDO - Fuck It, Shit Happens, Drive On
* FUBAR - Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition / Repair / Reason / Redemption / Relief / Reality / Recovery.
* FUBB - Fucked Up Beyond Belief
* FUBIO - Fuck You Buddy, I'm Out; or Forget You, Bub, It's Over (polite form)
* FUGAZI - Fucked Up, Got Ambushed, Zipped In; Refers to out-of-control situation such as a chaotic jungle warfare combat environment
* FUMTU - Fucked Up More Than Usual
* GFU - General Fuck Up
* HMFIC - Head Mother Fucker In Charge
* IDGAF - I Don't Give a Fuck
* JAAFU or JAAFFU - Joint Army-Air Force Fuck-Up; the use of JANFU combined with a radical increase in joint-forces operations since 1989, has led to the rare but increasing use of JAAFU/JAAFFU
* JANFU - Joint Army/Navy Fuck-Up; used by British troops in WWII
* LBFM - Little Brown F***ing Machines. Affectionate reference to young attractive indigenous women encountered during a foreign deployment.
* MMFD - Miles and Miles of Fucking Desert! British expression
* MUBAR - Mash up beyond all recognition. Refers to being proper mash up
* NEPUT - Non Electrical Pop Up Target
* NFG - No Fucking Good
* POS- Piece Of Shit
* SMUBAR - Semi mash up beyond all recognition. Not quite MUBAR but well on the way
* SNAFU - Situation Normal: All Fucked Up
* SAMFU - Self Adjusting Military Fuck Up
* SUSFU - Situation Unchanged: Still Fucked Up
* TARFU - Things Are Really Fucked Up
* TINS - This Is No Shit! Often seen in veterans' forums
* TOFU - Things Ordinary: Fucked Up
* TUIFU - The Ultimate In Fuck Ups
* WTF - What the Fuck? (sometimes WTH, the "H" meaning "hell" or "heck")
* WTFO - What the Fuck, Over
* YUCATAN - You're Under Certain Annihilation Throw A Nuke

The only reason I both to look this up is that General Motors (GM) actually has a document called GM Acronyms for use with in the company, and cites FUBAR and SNAFU as appropriate acronyms for e-mail conversations.
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