I am the Fun police. Or is it Captain buzz kill?

Jan 15, 2006 22:07

Ok, so its official. I am not fun. Ski Trip was a big discovery point for this one. I know this because it wasn't the most fun trip I have ever been. It really didn't have anything to do with anyone, they were all fine. The whole trip just kinda seemed, OK. This isn't the first time this has happened. Over the past couple years, I find I have less and less fun at events of any kinda, typically I looking for the door by midnight. It was always like this. The was time when I was leading group back to rooms after barrage of shots at Jozo's , only to crack the new bottle Jager, and see how fast we could finish . I was cavalier enough to tell the security guard who came knocking at the door, that he could "Suck my cock, cuz the party is just getting started", only ot have Phil Biga knock me on my ass, so we didn't get kicked out. Or the years 'sip or go naked' and 'Strip Euchre' were regular ski trip events.

Nowadays, I wonder, "why is cool to have security come to the room?" or "Whats the point of being up past 1 am?" "Why do we have to go to the bar?" or "Why can't we just have a few drinks and go to bed?" I wasn't even the person driving, but I was still concerned about getting enough sleep for the ride home, and checking out in time. Lydia says I just won't all myself to have fun, but I dunno if thats true. Hmmmm.

Oh btw Happy B-day to Melissa Brown, I actually wasn't sure if this weekend was th actual day or if it was some other day. Happy Birthday anyway.
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