Sep 30, 2007 16:38
[AKA Barricade gets put in his place by a VERY pissed off Seeker. Again.]
Note: / /'s are basically italics.. I was too lazy to edit it all in, yea?
Barricade: *Comlinking buzzles to life
Starscream: *notes the buzz of an activated commlink; he's a little groggy, because he'd been in recharge* Who DARES disturb me?
Barricade: Only to inform you that i have other duties to take care of, Starscream. Frenzy wants Coffee and i must get that for him.
Starscream: *somewhat in disbelief at the audacity* ...You're bothering me to relay that your partner - WHO ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT NEED COFFEE - wants you to play "servent" for him?!
Barricade: ... you dont seem to to understand.... that what i /am/ to him. I can not disobey him when he demands/orders me to do something.
Barricade: at lest, not with bring a world of pain onto myself.
Barricade: without bringing*
Starscream: *pause* I cannot picture Frenzy being the.. forceful type. *pauses again; then in a vindictive tone:* Or you being the subservient type. Why would this cause /you/ pain? Unless...
Starscream: *demanding* Is there something you have yet to bring to my attention?
Barricade: ..... .... ourbond.... is not as it seems... * uber rare utter respect* my lord.
Barricade: I nothing more forthcoming
Barricade: **
Barricade: * nothing*
Starscream: *deadpan* Really.
Starscream: It would be better for you NOT to hide information from your Lord.
Barricade: ... my bond with frenzy... is forced. * unease at revealing this. *
Barricade: ..... * very very softly* it was illegal as well at the age i was... bonded to him...
Starscream: *takes a moment to process this* That... explains a few things. *thoughtful* What age /were/ you exactly?
Barricade: ... less than 50 Vorns past being a sparkling... * shifting is heard. *
Barricade: { AKA bearly even a youngling.
Starscream: Hmmm. A forced bond with FRENZY as the controller? How very.. peculiar. I can assume the only one sadistic enough to do such a thing was Soundwave himself, but.. who gave HIM the permission, I wonder? *seems very ponderous*
Barricade: YEs.... and i dont know... techincally,,, i was forbidden to reval this... but... in light of certin finding.. i know belive the treat to keep me silenced to be... false.
Barricade: threat*
Starscream: Ohhh? And what "threat" might this be? *clearly squeezing as much info from Cade as possible before speaking his own thoughts*
Barricade: .. that Frenzy would be destoryed if i told a spark about this..... * is still claerly at war with himself over even telling this*
Starscream: Hmf. What made you think this "threat" won't still happen then?
Barricade: NO! DONT HARM HIM! * lets out a panicked and /scared/ sound at the mear thought of that happening to his bonded before he can even stop it from hapenning
Starscream: *would be smirking if 'Cade could see him; he files that information away for later use. Sounding suspicious, he says:* For someone supposedly in a forced bond, you are highly /protective/ of your partner, Barricade. Are you /sure/ you never, in any way, instigated it upon yourself?
Barricade: I never, to my knowalge and memories, brought it on myself, my lord. * is utterrly respectful now, fear even in his voice, real fear that is bloodly hard to get out of him, let along an once of respect at times.* Sound wave said that it becouse of the programing that i carry within me... programs that demand that i protect my mate, that i do not harm him... and that i follow his orders, Sir.
Barricade: it is a very real bond that i have grown up with for most of my life. ... all that i have know... have had to accept.
Starscream: Right. Though memories often shift into what we /want/ to believe. It is unfortunate - and unfitting - of a /Decepticon warrior/ to have such programming. *sounds disgusted* If you had such a /long time to get used to it/, why are you so obviously NOT? It is in your programming to be subservient to your bondmate, yes? Then WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? *clearly irritated from being woken up*
Barricade: * growls* memories have been a woken that i do not wish to recall, starscream. the fact that you so obsiblous flaunt a volunatry bond is not helping in the matter. i make me think of what i shall NEVER have. of the fact that Soundwave, via Frenzy, holds sway over me. of many. many thinks that i can not change, that i had buuried, but now rear ther heads. * clearly agry now* do what you want -c-
Barricade: with wth information if it please you, but know this: harm my mate, my bondedm, the one that i have grown to /love/ dispite the rocky start and i will not hestiate to attack you, carrying a sparkling or not. * means every word of that as well
Starscream: *hiss-snarls, voice rising several octives to show his anger at being threatened by a subordinate* You wouldn't have even KNOWN if not for that slaggard Soundwave reading into Skyfire and I's bond! Your thoughts of my personal life are NOT relavent. *pauses to register that he was just threatened by /Barricade/. With a voice so low and filled with dark venom, he says:* I would scrap you the moment you lifted a SINGLE DIGIT against me - or sparkling. And even IF you managed to catch me unaware in my weakened state, do you /honestly/ believe you could escape Skyfire's wrath? I am /far/ less concerned with you and your silly problems than I am with my ambitions for the Decepticon Empire!
Barricade: * snarls of anger from the link along with garbled and very rude insults before they cut off with pained hiss from his end, before a breem or three of static, then.* aside form that... I have picked up an autobot distress signal, just landed and i am enroute to investagate that.
Starscream: *huffs angrily at the subject change, still very upset at Barricade's brashness - and threats* And I was not informed of this WHY? *suddenly furious, his voice becoming a screech* DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO FORTIFY THE BASE? WHAT MADE YOU THINK THAT YOU COULD LEAVE WITHOUT MY CONSENT AFTER I GAVE YOU SPECIFIC ORDERS?!
Barricade: becouse Frenzy demaned coffee, nigh ORDERED ME TO GET IT and franky, i would rather not deal with the feeling of having my spark cut in two and being almost crippled fro a full Orn. meaning, useless to you for ANYTHING while i recover. * snaps at the other. * perhaps you dont recall an incent whe a sparkling was out of active due, for will over three decacycle after an undiclosed incedent?{ AKA
Barricade: i dont know whay excuse cover up soundwaves cooking up}
Starscream: ............. ............Are you telling me that you fear your forced-bondmate MORE than you fear your OVERLORD? *growl* I will rip your spark OUT if you continue to display such crosswired loyalties! /I/ am your superior, NOT that little anorexic toaster! I grow weary of your disobedience, Barricade!
Barricade: Yes, i fear him more than i fear you. becasuse though you can tear out my spark, he can offline me with a sing order, suject me to greatpain and beyound. so yes, i do fear him, greatly so. the fear is always there. you are my Lord for now, but you do not know have final say in my actions. ... i am... Sorry. i can not change it.
Starscream: *hisses again, drawn out and low* I can solve that problem /very quickly/, should I choose to do so. With Frenzy removed from the picture, you would either straighten your act or go insane and become more useless to the Decepticons than you currently are. Whichever occurs would make no difference to me! *pauses to heave a very frustrated sigh, apparently trying to cool his anger-burning circuits* Understand this, Barricade- at the moment, I would have no qualm about destroying /both/ of you. Perhaps you should rethink where your real fears lie and GIVE HEED to my commands.
Barricade: NO! NO! NO! DONT! DONT HARM HIM! * cry of utter fear. * DONT... DONT HARM HIM... P-PLEASE DONT. * gives the other an autal whimper* please... dont harm him...
Starscream: HMF! Pitiful wretch. You see how easily you are put in your place by me? Just /remember/ I mean what I say and /stop/ disobeying my orders if you don't want misfortune to befall you or your.. mate.
Starscream: If Frenzy has a problem with your following my orders, HE is disobeying my will as well. I /will/ deal with him accordingly for that.
Barricade: * whimpers* y-yes, Lord starscream. Ho-however... may we continue on ruote to the autobot? if we can capture it and bring it back to base....
Starscream: *grumbles harshly* You're already far enough away to be currently /useless/ to us at the base.. Continue on /this time/, but I will NOT allow such unruly actions in the future. /Do I make myself clear?/
Barricade: Yes Lord Starscream, perfectly clear. * respect in his tone, and fear. * we will bring the autobot back. alive for Vortex's pleasure in intergating it.
Starscream: *sounds much more placated now, especially from the hint of fear in Barricade's voice* Good! I am glad you have learned your mistake. *he gives a slight pause, because he still doesn't fully trust Barricade has* Vortex will be pleased by this. Continue with your ..current endeavor - just know that I am keeping an optic on you.
Barricade: Yes, my lord.
Barricade: * ends the comlink*