Get rid of official parties. Likeminded individuals can certainly gather up and form political groups. But do away with this nonsense of one republican and one democrat can run for office.
Get rid of private donations to campaign funds. Oil company X can no longer donate to George WhatamItalkingaboutIdon'tknow Bush, but only to the presidential
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I'm not so sure revolution right now would invite invasion. There are a lot of governments who need the U.S. to be stable and would lend aid to quelling a rebellion quickly. Unless significant parts of the military sided with the insurrectionists; any revolution in this country would be quickly squashed. Our military is too modern for civilians to take it on head to head.
In twenty years, if we continue along our current path; the story could be vastly different. As "civilized society" reverts to the ethics of the middle ages; and violent crime becomes more and more prevelant; our economy will destabilize even further. It will get to the point where it's in our current allies best interest for a new government (probably a right wing military dictatorship) to take over.
The American Empire is falling; and it IS an empire. We're going down the same way the Romans did. Each successive empire in history has fallen faster than those before it.
It's only a matter of time until we see governmental collapse here. It will likely take the form of a revolution (most likely backed by right wing elements and the military); but the possibility of the government limping along until it crumbles is also there.
Where we were once the world leader in education, technological innovation, and economic growth; we've squandered those advantages. The U.S. has the highest infant mortality rate of any industrialized nation. That is unacceptable.
The economy is in a downspin with no end in sight. Our current leaders are incapable of correcting it. Bush has done too much damage.
Look for India or China to be the next empire. My money is on India.
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