Jun 19, 2010 17:31

NAME: Jami
AGE: 21
EMAIL ADDRESS: saiyanqueen14 at yahoo dot com

NAME: Ling Yao
SOURCE: Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)
AGE: 15

AU BACKGROUND: Ling was born into the pampered life of the son of a rich Chinese businessman with a semi-powerful wealthy family in Los Angeles, California. Which by pampered we mean he was born under the pressures of being the Best and Perfect son any family could ever want. Grades had to be perfect, manners had to be perfect, everything. Ling was someone who had to strive to survive, or else feel the crushing waters of a parent's disappointment.

Things were bareble, though. Thanks to his family's money he was able to attend a fancy boarding school and it was here that he met two other boys that would leave a lasting impression on him for several years.

It happened when he was nine. He was hungry. Sadly, such a thing was a constant for him. There was no explaining the kid's ferocious appetite. In his desperation for food, he'd stolen the lunch of one Miles Edgeworth. In doing so, launched a class-wide investigation of the culprit, in which a Lelouch Lamperouge had been the accused. Of course Ling, never planing on such a thing getting another classmate in trouble, tried to defend his innocence along with Miles. Miles eventually was able to deduce Lelouch's innocence (while not exposing Ling, much to his relief) and after that, the three actually became very good friends until Miles had to leave later that year. Ling and Lelouch continued being friends until he too, left around the time Ling was eleven.

Now alone at his prissy prep school, Ling continued to push forward, though admittedly with some difficulty. His family hadn't gotten any more lenient on him, and now he didn't have his friends to fall back on. Still, if anything, Ling was resilient.

Rather he was until his powers manifested when he was fourteen. Now, most families, especially the hi-bred ones like the Yao family, probably would have kicked Ling out on the curb and denied any further claim to have ever had a son.

Not the Yaos, no the Yao family saw this as an opportunity. They forced Ling into using his powers for their own gain, To spy on other families, to get his hands dirty where they wouldn't, and sometimes to be his father's personal attack dog. And for a long time, Ling did it, as they pressured on the guilt that he had shamed his family by being born a monster. This was the only way to redeem himself.

Ling bought for about a year until he realized that, no, this was wrong. (What caused him to decide this isn't something you'll get out of him easily if at all.)Having heard about the Xavier Institute all the way in New York, Ling packed up a small bag and set off for the school, hoping maybe he'd be able to escape his family's reach and be allowed to start over.

Once he was older, he vowed he would come back, take back the family, and undo the damage that was wrought by his parents because of him.

PERSONALITY: At a glance, Ling seems to be a very optimistic, cheerful kid. He's always smiling and takes everything thrown at him in stride. He seems almost unfazable, though somewhat of a derp. He's been known to completely pass out on the ground from hunger and impose on anyone who shows the kindness to help him. He's a bit of a tease, but all in all he's not bad company.

But a lot of this barely scratches the surface of who Ling Yao is. He is someone who is driven, motivated and dedicated to his own goals and nothing stands in the way of him pursuing them. He is someone who's not afraid to take a risk. He is often reckless and leaps before looking, thinking that losing an opportunity is far worse than any possible consequence of charging head first into one. He's also someone not opposed to being underhanded in order to get out of a tricky situation or to get something that he needs.

Despite all of this, at heart Ling is a truly passionate person. To those he's close to, his loyalty is unbreakable. And despite all the shady sneaking around Ling tends to do, he does have the best intentions at heart. He's just the sort of person to do what has to be done, regardless of the lines it crosses. This also includes his disregard for his status. If bowing his head is all it takes to get what he wants, then he'd do it in an instant. He did not flaunt his families status when he had it nor does he speak of it for the sake of speaking to it.

Though, let it be said, bringing up his family at all gets an odd reaction out of him. He's pretty dismissive in general, if a bit skittish. He doesn't like talking about what happened to him before coming to the institute and there's a good chance you won't get anything out of him. As such, there are moments where Ling does falter in his usual optimism. He's someone who is fighting to keep his freedom and he won't let anyone or anything take it away from him. his goes the same for anyone in a similar position as he was. Freedom is important to him, and he'll fight for it. At the same time, Ling is still just a kid, and that doesn't mean he won't be prone to bouts of fear and paranoia over his situation and current living arrangement.

APPEARANCE: Ling is quite obviously Chinese, that's probably the first outright noticeable thing about him. In fact he's been teased about his squinty eyes as far back as elementary school. He says he counters that by trying to keep a smile up, but that comes with varying degrees of success. It's also notable that those eyes of his, when he's using his powers, turn a bright violet to match.

Outside his eyes, the rest of Ling is pretty normal. He wears his black hair long, tied up in the back in a ponytail which his unruly long bangs draping over his face, usually covering one of his eyes. He stands pretty tall for his age at about 5'7" and thanks to his early training in martial arts as a kid, he's a pretty fit guy.

POWERS: For someone like Ling, who in his canon is one of the few characters that kicks tons of ass without the use of hax alchemy powers, but with his own two hands and the blade of a sword, I figured I'd give him some kind of power that wasn't ridiculously flashy and indirect (like lightning powers or something like that.)

Instead what I had in mind was an idea shamelessly stolen from Psylocke. Ling is able to conjure up a physical manifestation of telekinetc energy. This manifestation is only able to take the form of some kind of weapon (Any kind of weapon as long as its not a fire arm. It has to be swords, pole arms, or things like that.)

The effects of this weapon varies on the control of his powers. It's capable of being intangible enough to pass through the body and temporarily stun an opponent, at the same time, with better control of his powers, it can become physically concentrated enough to cut through just about anything he needs it to. Of course right now, he's not nearly experienced enough for it to be that strong. As it stands, he can probable make it strong enough to say, cut a lock or dent the door of a car.

And a second one I want to toss in. It's cool if he doesn't get this, but I figured there's no harm in trying. In canon Ling's able to sense life force or 'ki' in other people and I'd like for him to keep that if its at all possible. If not, like I said, that's cool.

ANYTHING ELSE?: Something I couldn't fit in the rest of the app. Ling has been trained in martial arts since he was little and is a pretty tough fighter despite being a rich kid. After his parents started controlling him he only got better.

Also Ling is terrified of frogs. Don't ask about this one.
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