three letters, 25 scraps to be found

Sep 01, 2011 12:48

Okay so Madara released the sakura trees. Bruce is the most repressed ever, and he has far too much self-control to actually do everything that he actually wants to do. So he chose to get rid of the urge and cause no harm - i.e. he writes letters, and he tears them up and sets them free.

And it's up to you guys to find them and piece it all together.

There are 3 letters in total. Two are in 8 pieces each, and one is in 9 pieces. Treat it as a mystery and talk to random people! Check if they have the pieces! And most importantly... have fun!

Letter 1 - 9 pieces:

I've dreamed of it. My hands around your throat. I've dreamed over almost five thousand four hundred and twenty-three ways of torturing you, inflicting the worst sort of pain until you're begging for your life. So you will understand even in your deranged mind what fear is, and you'll know what all of your victims feel when they see you hovering above them.

At least three hundred of these involve crowbars. Crowbars and explosives. Except I won't kill you, because that will be too easy. I won't even let you bleed out. Do you know that, even here, I have blood transfusion packets? I know how to get them. I know how to make you bleed and bleed and never die.

The urge is like a worm under my skin. Digging and digging underneath. That's one of the tortures too. Maggots like your rotten flesh, right? I wonder how they will like to dig through your ears.

You should find it funny. The person who wants you dead and tortured the most is the one who is staying my hand now.

Letter 2 - 8 pieces:

Sometimes I wonder why you are so selfish. I wonder where your self-righteousness comes from. You betrayed me and yet you don't ever see it or acknowledge it, and now you come crawling to me looking for forgiveness that I don't want to give, sometimes. You've betrayed everything we've ever stood for because of your selfishness. Because of your self-importance. Not everything is about you. You've told me that before. Take your own advice.

I'm getting tired of dealing with you. Your existence is an anomaly I cannot understand. I have never found the reason why you're still alive, or why you've come back and did everything I tried to keep you from.

I failed you, but you failed yourself too. I'm so angry with you every single time I can barely speak. Your only saving grace right now is that you haven't dealt the worst betrayal of all. That I haven't betrayed you just as greatly in retaliation.

You started the cycle. You end it.

Letter 3 - 8 pieces:

You're so sanctimonious sometimes I cannot stand you. I look at you like you're a ghost, do you know that? A ghost of a person who means a lot to me - that's the only reason why, sometimes, I resist the urge to grab you by the throat and smash you into the wall over and over until your damn intellect breaks and you learn some manners.

You know nothing of what I'm really like, and at this point, I'm not going to show you. You know nothing of my world. I don't even think you can survive it. Don't you dare look down on me and what I do; don't you dare pretend you even understand the reasoning behind it. Your job is to find out, to understand, instead of judge. And yet you do this?

You should know better. Learn, before I make sure you do.

...Bruce has some very negative repressed emotions, what. He is incredibly angry. The handwriting - yes, it's all handwritten - is chopping, all angles, sharp but precise. Not a surgeon's handwriting, that's very sure. It's very legible.

And! Whatever your character wants to do with the scraps, it's up to you. It's entirely possible to trace the letters back to him- most likely as Batman (the first letter is a big, big clue). If that's what you want to do, drop me a line here. \o/

event notes, sirenspull

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