Jan 03, 2007 17:32
Well 2006 ended as sucky as it began. While there were a few good moments to the year, for the most part it was the worst year of my life - capped off by the worst Christmas/New Years of my life. If you ever feel your life sucks, ask me about my 2006... Your sucky life will seem wonderful by comparison. I will post the entire thing - but I know it will be a buzzkill on my current good mood so it will have to wait.
Remarkable that I even remembered my LJ password on the first try, eh?
Congrats to Anthony - I heard the big news! Though I'm a bit nervous to backtrack through your posts for details - cause I am sure they could well be there. We gotta talk about Justin G's stuff. Let me know when you got some time.
Jay? A haircut? You going corporate on us?
Amy, the level, the balance... You txt messages always arrive at the right moment - you have snapped me back to reality and you couldn't have known where I was heading. Thanks. (Jay has provided similar events too.
Justin, haven't seen you in ages bud...
Rachel, are we speaking, I forget? hee hee
Hopefully 2007 brings us the opportunity to do things together. Did you all get the mail from Newt about GODSPELL auditions? Jan 6th and 9th. Oddly, I ran into him over the holidays. I was so looking forward to SUPERSTAR this year just to get my arse outta the house, I may actually audition and see what happens. Not a big Godspell fan here.
Oh well, hopefully this posts doesn't shock y'all too much. Wandering back into LJ territory.