GROAN!!!! The ZEALOT BATTLE continues

Mar 13, 2006 21:27

OMG - Going nuts - sorry if this starts to sound like an VOLPE post BUT....

Tonight they 'announced' those who cover the cover roles (for some reason not calling it understudy) - by announced I mean Carol had whispered it to people before the rehearsal so of course only those who knew - knew. No she didn't whisper to me - we never whisper. So with no whisper - I was unaware and figured the jury was still out - and then the 'evil' Simon sings the Jesus Cover spot. Good for him - I didn't want it... in the back of my head thinking if they gave it to him I may have gotten the Simon role... thought I had a shot at Judas cover - no whisper - and Pat (last year's Peter) sings it... still no word - we whats-the-buzz-Hosanna-hey-sanna on thru the show until we get to (drumroll) the Simon song. Carol scans the room and finds me then asks me to take it - as I move up to sing it TO Jesus(aka evil Simon) she tells both of us to once again sing the part. UGH! The SIMON WARS CONTINUE.... and it appears he doesn't know either.

Not knowing sucks and being teased along sucks even more - it is the single most annoying thing that Newt and Carol do each year. I think they do it more to the women than the men. But I get mixed signals each time - whenever there is an exception to the song - i get those lines - the outside harmony - or a blend somewhere. This is cool... but it falls into the being teased along... Last year was the one year when I felt this didn't happen as much - but they announced the roles much earlier.

I NEVER EVER get to be an accuser or leper. I really am not good at them anyway - so don't care too much. Still living in fear that I might not make apostle - it happened before - last year was a fluke sneaking in thru the back door labeled Simon. They have enough tenors that they owe the parts too that I could easily get dropped out if i don't get the Simon role. AND MY EGO MUST BE FED!!!!!!

Send me some positive ju-ju!
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