The struggle continues...

Jan 15, 2008 20:40

No major change in status, however the evidence is now piling up. The details are overwhelming. Today I learned 3 things, and I could use some help if anyone is up for the tasks.

1) She now has Brennan refusing to speak to me or text message. I haven't seen him since before Thanksgiving and have not spoken since the 1st or 2nd of Jan. I was forced to call the police on Colin on Sunday as he was sent over to pound on the front windows of the house and shout that i was killing his 90 year old grandfather. I could feel the torment in Colin. I know exactly why he showed up. Sonya's father is apparently fading. This would be one of those things that we would have talked about so he could be prepared for the inevitable. It's torturing him to have to continue to stay away when he needs me. The only way he can make himself stay away is by picking stupid arguments or causing scenes. They are cries for help, but I am powerless. If I try to speak to him, he is petrified that he will reveal what Sonya has done. Brennan is in the same boat, but he has absolutely NO ONE TO TALK TO. At least Colin has the girlfriend. My heart is breaking... Soonest custody review may have to wait until May. I'm looking at alternatives.

2) JAMIE KRONICK - The software company announced to me this morning that the only person at their company who told me the truth at any given time, and the person who confirmed to me that the software could be installed invisibly via email was terminated... no wait,... they said FIRED because she was misinforming their clients. I'm being blocked from finding her. BUT as she KNOWS what they are doing to me, I'd like to contact her and offer to testify in her wrongful termination lawsuit... If anyone can find JAMIE KRONICK, formerly of Awareness Technologies, and prior to that she was with Verisign. She would have been located in LA - likely within range of Marina Del Rey. She may have worked out of their San Francisco offices also. All I can find is what I can only imagine is their obfuscation. A story about a homeless woman with that name finding her first apartment. I'd appreciate any help in contacting her. If you contact her and suggest she get in touch with me - it's totally cool. I feel horrible that they did this to her. But if she isn;t legally prevented from helping me out - it could be the break I need. In 2 weeks it will be the one year mark of the 'INFECTION'.

3) Lastly, yet another friend has bit the dust. She-Who-Could-Not-Be-Called-By-Her-Name (use initials) who hadn't contacted me in close to 6 months called today. I always had the suspicion that she was connected, not to Sonya so much as to her attorney. I always had the suspicion that she wasn't calling because she didn't want to tell me something. She called. She slipped and mentioned something in passing. She revealed herself. Another victim of this mess.

One last thing, and I have clearly told this to anyone that has assisted. I understand that at times it may be weird or awkward. Just know and trust me that I would never ever do anything, or ask anyone else to do anything, which would put them at any risk of involvement in this mess. Everything I say is the truth. If anyone has any media contacts, I think that might be my last chance. If I can publicize this illegal activity, and someone would listen. The revelation would cause the situation to change... completely.

For you info... I have been attempting to organize - but there is new data everyday. I usually put new info up on the web - because rebuilding computers means I have to re-re-re-organize evertime. If you want to read anything which would be as scary as say a Volpe novella from 2 years ago... have a look at the last year in my life.
I will be trying to re-organize it... it doesn't present well, but the closer I get the hard they push.

As I have indicated in court. I exist on the charity of family and the mercy of the remaining friends... and I know it aint easy having that role for anyone lately.

My thanks.
I persevere!
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