So I'm updating this as another rant... so I don't care if anyone replies in anyway (this applies to all four of my mediums; Livejournal, Deadjournal, Facebook, and Myspace)
I update this while sitting here listening to President Bush's address on CNN... so, as anyone reading this can possibly tell, this rant has to do with his stupidity.
I can't help but feel that when this guy talks, he's thinking about a yo-yo or a ball-in-a-cup.... just the look on his face is like a kid concentrating on something that isn't actually difficult.
I DO, however, have to give him credit for one phrase he specifically said early in the speach... he said that regarding the failures in Iraq, the blame should fall on him... sounds like he actually admits he was wrong (you know, since now we're not 'staying the course')
However, this 20,000 troops to Iraq is utter bullshit. I understand that in order to get outta there fast, more troops would be usefull... but 20,000 troops is useless... if you're gonna send troops, 20,000 won't do anything, it'll just mean more death.
However, we are late in this... so like quick condomless sex, it's too late to pull out now. So now i guess its time for the proverbial military abortion of Iraq. Nice imagery.
This guy's a fucking moron.
I really hope the democrats in congress put a stop to this soon... I really do.
Oop... now democratic response right after.
Burn, Bush lied... we're not winning the war in Iraq... buuuuurn. He told you, Pres. Damn straight he's ignoring the advice of his generals, he's a cocky bastard... even his generals have told him "Don't send more troops"... that'd just mean that he'd have to admit he's wrong.
It's time's like these I'm glad our next president will be Democratic... makes me happy... since not even all the Republicans in congress support Bush anymore, considering all the democrats and 80 republicans oppose his current movement for more troops in Iraq.
Ahahaha... there are protesters outside of the White House... that's funny.
So in conclusion of my anti-climatic rant, 95% chance next president will be Democratic, thus bringing an end to the Imperialist Theocratic Republic of America. Nice.
Whatever happened to Diplomacy?
So I guess I'll end this with this picture I found.