Aug 19, 2005 03:45
I love my Nana. She went out of her way to have dinner with me. How often do grandparents do that? She's awesome. She paid for the food (FireStone Grill. Its pretty good, but I go there cause... come on... FIRESTONE! RESTAURANT OF BADASSES) Anyway, she gave me a hundred bucks just cause she loves me... which I really, really need. And then when I say "This is great, I can really use some gas, so I already know where some of this money is going!"
To which she says... "Oh dont spend it on that. Use my gas card, fill up your tank."
Free Meal, Hundred Bucks, Full gas tank... And the reassurance that even though Im 19, my grandma still thinks about me... and ways to make my life easier. I love her, she loves me, life got easier for this week at least. I always say how lucky I am, how things turn out for the best no matter what, cause Im just so damned lucky. BUT MAYBE, things go well for me cause Im a good kid, surrounded by a grip of family and friends who care about me. Whatever works.
No, but seriously, I'm lucky as fuck. And my Nana rocks.