
Jun 01, 2009 09:56

it's been a couple days since anyone has posted anything that shows up on my friends page so i got bored and decided to post something.

here it goes, i told skal and alexa this one this weekend

Manipulation is part of daily life, in fact, it has become part of society.  Although it is frowned upon by society, everyone does it.  In many cases, people use their social status, or emotional status to get a response or fulfill a goal.  therefore, it is frowned upon but it is socially expected from individuals.  As an example, the guilt trip.  The guilt trip is using one's emotional standing in other people's lives to get what you want by making them feel bad.  I have done this before and i am sure that many of you have as well, but i am not judging, I am merely giving an example.

In class we covered in depth a disorder called Anti Social Personality Disorder.  This disorder is what most people we would classify as sociopaths exhibit.  One of the most recognizable symptoms of this disorder is something called Flattened Affect.  Flattened affect is the removal of the ability to feel emotions.  Now, the removal isn't complete, but in order to feel a specific emotion, the stimulation must be extreme.  Therefore, since it becomes an effort to feel emotions, they don't feel negative emotions because they do not put effort into feeling negative emotions, only positive.  Because of this, the are incredibly manipulative, and don't feel guilty about manipulating other people.

A theory that I developed states that this is not actually a disorder.  These people have become hyper or super adapted to modern society.  If it is socially accepted to manipulate people, then it would be beneficial to facilitate the manipulation of others.  By removing the feelings of negative emotions from the manipulator, they are no longer hesitant to use this action, due to the fact that they won't feel guilty afterwords.

A thought that seemed interesting at the time, and flips around definations of "what is a disorder".
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