so my ex company, cosmo, invited me to go out with them for their annual company party. it was the usual, nomi hodai, tabe hodai party (all you can drink and eat)
usually, the japanese show a totally difference side to them after drinking. that night was no exception. the ex boss, hata-san is usually very conservative and professional, however, after a few drinks.. she became a totally different person. so open and honest.
at some point of the night i discovered that someone had brought washable markers and drew a mask on his face. apparently it was a tradition. i jokingly asked hata-san, the ex boss, if i could draw on her face. she went for it.
at some point in the night.. a discussion about the relationship between the chinese and japanese started. hata-san and another person expressed how much they disliked the way the chinese work and they called them the jews of asia.
then there was some talk about nazis and the jews and these photos were taken. very bizarre.