Aug 29, 2008 22:40

NOTE: All previous entries are for the previous RP and, thus, are non-canon.

Canon Character and Series: Grimmjow Jaegerjaques/Bleach

In-Game Name: Grimmjow A. Jaegerjaques

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Position & Ship (first and second choice for position please): 4423, Boatswain/Cook

Appearance: Grimmjow is quite the imposing sight, towering over many average humans. Standing at about 6'4, he also has rather big hair, which many have likened to a blue duck's ass... out of earshot, of course. He has blue eyes, with small, permanently furrowed eyebrows and warpaint along the bottom edges. His face might be considered handsome, if you're into the crazy sort who sneers all the time and has a large, jawlike mask attached to their face. He typically wears a white shirt open over his bare chest and a pair of nondescript tan pants. He also has a stylized number 6 tattooed on his lower back.

When in his Resurreccion form, he changes rather drastically. The war paint around his eyes becomes stripes that extend to his ears, which are now catlike. His hair is much longer and his hands and feet become black-furred cat paws, and he has a tail. His teeth become sharp, catlike fangs, and his legs are more catlike as well. The mask becomes a headband-like crown of white bone, and most of his body is covered with bonelike armor. There are blades on his elbows, as well. The most noticeable and jarring aspect of this form is that there is a hole in his torso, which is not present in his human form.

Personality: Grimmjow is a very angry young man, to put it lightly. Outside of conversation he can seem distant and apatehtic, but in conversations he tends to be short, belittling, and ready to tear your throat out at the most minor offense-and he doesn't hesitate to give anyone his true opinion of them, either. He has little to no respect for authority unless said authority figure has somehow managed to beat him into the ground, in which he'll begrudgingly listen to that person and keep his mouth shut around them-though he'll definitely try to figure out some way he can overpower that person.

Combat plays a large role in Grimmjow's life, to the point that he's absolutely obsessed with fighting and killing. Grimmjow practically lives for the thrill of killing people who are as strong as him, and if he marks someone as an equal, will hound that person until he or she is dead (or, well, they manage to somehow kill him, which obviously happened yet). He tends to develop an obsession with people of that caliber, often devoting great amounts of time tracking them and training to defeat them. Lesser beings will simply be brutally injured if they get in his way, and outside of situations where wanton destruction is called for, Grimmjow doesn't care enough to kill innocent bystanders or make sure people who get in his way stay dead. He tends to carry a grudge if someone who he can't kill-or isn't allowed to kill, for whatever reason-wrongs him… and it's extremely easy to wrong him, as Grimmjow has a slight tendency to overreact. In combat, he tends to be excited to the point of not thinking the fight through, and he will fight to the very death, pulling himself back up even if he's missing a limb… or, perhaps, most of his blood. About the only people he won't attack are the people he deems 'friends,' and... well... those are few and far between, and he only really tolerates them if they acknowledge that they're not as good as him and listen to whatever he says. Really, it's better to call them subjects, as Grimmjow loves to play at being a king.

Abilities/Weapons: Grimmjow is rather street-smart and good at fistfighting. He is good at fighting while using his sword, Pantera, but prefers to use his fists unless it's absolutely necessary. His fighting skills were augmented by the treatment he underwent, making him stronger, faster, and more agile than the average human. He's also good at observing and remembering the fighting tactics of others. If he has his sword with him, he's also capable of transforming into a more animalistic and powerful form, called 'Resurreccion.' In his Resurreccion form, he is extremely dangerous, as he is faster, stronger, and has a number of natural weapons at his disposal in the form of claws and teeth. His released form is also extremely difficult to injure due to the bonelike armor covering most of his body; however, his chest, neck, and face are exposed. His determination is certainly an asset, as he won't back down from a fight even if he's half-dead.

Weaknesses: Grimmjow is incredibly impulsive, which often gets him into trouble, especially when authority figures are concerned. He's not very smart, either. He does have some concept of strategy, but he only thinks things out whenever he is pitted against someone he knows to be stronger than him-which is rare, as he normally believes himself to be stronger than everyone else, another weak point. He also won't go all-out unless he believes whoever he's fighting is worth fighting at full power, a tendency that can easily be exploited. His refusal to give up will probably get him killed someday, and he definitely prefers offense to defense-indeed, when fighting in his normal form he doesn't wear any sort of protective gear. His Resureccion form is well-defended, but as mentioned before, his chest, neck, and face are exposed. The armor is also only as strong as bone, meaning that if someone is strong enough, that person can get through it and injure him. Also, using this form drains him, and he can't do it if he doesn't have his sword with him.

History: Grimmjow grew up in Shashta, spending most of his childhood as one of the resident gangs' punching bag and most of his teenage years as a lone wolf delinquent. As far as delinquents went, he was fairly average; occasionally beating the crap out of people for looking at him wrong, vandalizing public property, and so on. He became quite good at fighting on his own-while his style was fairly sloppy and unrefined, he generally won more fights than he lost. One of his more illustrious victories involved him single-handedly defeating a small gang at the age of sixteen, which lead to something rather unexpected: instead of running away or trying to pull off a dirty, underhanded victory, the gang made him their leader. Well, Grimmjow really wasn't about to object to that, and he, along with Shaw Long Quifong, Il Forte Grantz, Di Roy, Nakim, and Edourad Leones, proceeded to terrorize the Badlands for a few years.

Their reign of terror lasted about a year, until Grimmjow attempted to brutalize a man for bumping into him and wound up, for lack of a better term, completely owned. The man, whose name Grimmjow never really learned, was rather impressed that Grimmjow had lasted more than five seconds against him. He made Grimmjow an offer: if Grimmjow and the rest of his gang agreed to serve as experimental test subjects and work for that man, the results of the experiments would almost certainly make them nigh unbeatable. Grimmjow was less than enthusiastic about the first bit, but hell, if what that man said was true, he'd be able to wipe the floor with him afterwards.

Things did not go quite as planned. While the experimentation was successful, giving each of the test subjects a superpowered Resurreccion form, Grimmjow didn't succeed in getting out of working for that man. It wasn't quite as bad as he thought it would be; after the broken bones healed, he was essentially allowed to be a hired killer, and the experimentation had only increased his bloodlust. He worked for that man for a few years, although his boss occasionally disapproved of the messy way he disposed of his targets and his reckless tactics. Grimmjow didn't particularly care; after all, he was doing the guy a favor, wasn't he?

Unfortunately, things were due to go wrong at some point, and they did. Grimmjow went on an unofficial, er, 'mission' to take out a target that a different assassin had been ordered to kill, which lead to the presumed deaths of all the members of his gang and Grimmjow essentially being abandoned by that man, the stupid bastard. Instantly, Grimmjow vowed revenge. Of course, most of their interactions had been over the network, so he didn't really have any idea of where to start… especially since he didn't evenremeber anything about the guy, other than that he wore glasses and had brown hair. Grimmjow ended up wandering the Badlands for a while, hoping he could eventually find a ship to commandeer… or, at least, temporarily join.
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