Dec 05, 2006 00:52
I had my French oral final today. I got a 94 percent. Thank god. So maybe I'm not completely awful at languages. I told him: Ca va un peu triste. Parce que? Beaucoup chose. Because I feel the right, more duty, to be melodramatic in French. I was sad because I was in the process of coming to terms with several things: 1) I am only selectively articulate. 2) People think I'm smarter than I am. 3) I have lofty ideals. 4) I have plebian taste. This was all trigged by the "C" I recieved on my HIST105 paper. Which sucked. I cried. I'm still waiting to see if he will let me do anything to improve the grade, not like I have time. The thing is: I really enjoyed reading the book and developing my thesis. The thing is: I am a shitty paragraph developer. The thing is: his complaint had nothing to do the writing. He said I didn't meet the requirements of the paper [which were exceedingly vague] and that as this was a survey class, I should have regergitated more information [he used that phrase exactly. when I asked him if other people's papers had arguments, he said some of them. when I asked him if the grades were generally good, he said yes. And yet still contended that he was not looking for a book report or summary.]. So piss on him. I wrote him an email this morning, asking if I could rework the body of my paper to address more of his concerns. He still hasn't gotten back to me. I didn't even need to take this class. I don't think half the people in my class...
I think I have effectively wasted thirty minutes. Now I can get a ride home with Kendel. Hurrah.