We start off with our definite heir calling his Uncle Paul, the frat watcher.
Paul: God i smell like woohoo.
Antoinette: God he's great in bed!
Paul: Welcome to the family frat, Nicky
Nicky: Thanks, now i can get the hell out of the dorm!
First order of business is taken care of, next one is to find a baby daddy. Randolph was just walking by and him and Nicky had a relationship boost already from being in the dorm.
In the middle of the date, Nicky asks Jamie to pledge..She accepts not knowing what shes getting herself into.
Randolph: Hey, you brother's hott, mind putting in a good word for me?!
Jamie: Ummm do i know you?
Nicky: Never let me go!!
Randolph: Yes! He's mine!
And our little Knowledge sim convinces him to come to bed...chance of preg = 0% (i peeked)
Randolph leaves albeit very happy thinking hes the only one.
And Nicky calls up the Sports Hobby Guy for a shag. Then he trots over to the find a mate crystal ball.
Lookie who drops in, Aidan Roberts (thank you
leenyland), whos getting a beat down from the cow.
Aidan: What the fuck you stupid cow?! You broke my nose!!
These 2, ladies and gents, have 3 bolts! needless to say, this was an easy relationship.
They did the dirrty, then came the questions.
Nicky: You won't leave in the middle of the night? Will you?
Aidan: Never, I like you.
And they woohooed again, 3 times that 1 date :p
These 2 were MFEO!! They love each other...everytime they are together, they always do stuff together (ie woohoo, woohoo, flirt, woohoo)
The bitch of a cow, got sooo annoying, i actually turned her into a vampire. She just would not leave anyone alone. Picking on Ada isnt very nice. Also, Gen 4 is on its way!!!
With the babies coming, i made Nicky propose to the baby daddy. He accepted of course!
And here is where problems start to come around. When your friend with benefits, and your fiancee are both looking to flirt with you.
Then you can always add in that your uncle is into you as well. Bad Travis...Pierre is home pregnant with your child...again!
And Antoinette finds herself a 3 bolter too. Nicky's little brother Ray. And yes, that is 3 pregnant sims in a frat house.
Nicky: I have a present for you, something that will let me always be able to talk to you.
Aidan: you got me a cell phone!!
Aidan has his way of paying back for gifts :p And now they love each other...we know what that means.
Again, WTF do you think youre doing?! (I swear, this girl is such a whore)
Wedding time! The family is all here to support.
And it was such a cute ceremony, thanks to the wonderful formalwear, and no popping yet.
Look Aidan married a rich sim...but i thought you needed a job to get that memory o.0
Paul ends the part with a bang, literally, and he has his way with Joyce...if you dont remember her click
here Nicky's honeymoon = studying physics. cuz we all know thats what you do on a honeymoon...Nicky, you're grandmother's showing.
And Paul gets abducted...guess what that means.
Nicky pops, showing more of Gen 4, *squees*
Then Ada suffers from her morning sickness,
And then Jamie pops. Can we say i'm gonna have a full house.
Paul: OMG! Am i pregnant?
Antoinette pops in front of the daddy...i guess thats an easy explaination for saying you're pregnant and he's the dad.
See, everyone is pregnant...and Nicky with twins *headdesk* But YAY to my multi Polly Techs...PT Jesus is the 'daddy' (Jesus =
simplicist's Venturis)
And Aidan shows that he's gonna be a good daddy, and still finds Nicky attractive when hes as big as a house.
Nick: So it looks like youre pregnant there, is that why you had a college wedding?!
Nicky: Well, I am pregnant, but not why i got married.
Ray: *thinking* Does Uncle Nick know i got a girl pregnant?
And Ada pops, that makes 4 pops so far.
And Jamie, showing she isnt useless, sold a restaurant guide while she's preggo. Go Jamie!
So Nicky smashing an urn. Backstory: Cow mascot got me peeved, i turned her into a vampire...she burned alive...and Nicky was mad with her. I love revenge.
Me: Ada, do you have no sympathy for your fiancee?
Ada: No, he caused me to go through it!
Paul: *barfs more*
Aww frat breakfast...thats right its 2pm :p
Paul: OMG i wish i wasn't pregnant anymore.
Me: Ask your brother, he had 13 cuz i couldn't do an abortion.
And Nicky pop #2,
Paul pop #1,
And a cute little belly rub from nephew to uncle before
Jamie pop #2. Fun times to be had by all.
LOL how classy of them to go to class in their underwear, but Antoinette is popping again.
And Ada pops. These pregnancies were like hours within each other...so like 5 sim hours was pop-o-rama.
LOL look at the preggos going to woohoo...how do they even manage to get it on?!
And Paul and Ada marry before Ada bursts...no party, just the frat for witnesses.
And Nicky goes into labor that morning...and yes i teleported Aidan in to watch.
And Paul pops,
And Jamie goes into labor. No randoms this time around.
Here's Duke...Nicky's blonde hair and skin, Aidan's brown eyes
Juan here has Aidan's everything...tone, hair and eyes.
And Here's Nathan...Conrad's tone and hair, Jamie's eyes.
Not a great update, but it had to be up before i went to work...i have another update which should be up tonite or tomorrow.
And the poll is over...there will be duel heirs...Nicky & Jamie.