OOC ♔ you did say you wanted "kanon," bb.

Aug 03, 2006 13:38

If it's his app you're looking for, that's over here.


NAME ► Schneizel el Brittania. No one else of importance to the series has the same prefix, so I'll assume he has no siblings with the same mother.

AGE ► 28 (R2 timeline)

BIRTHPLACE ► Unknown. Probably somewhere in Brittania, in a palace surrounded by maids in frilly aprons.

APPEARANCE ► Tall and stately.

BIOLOGY ► Completely human, not immortal, without any gayass geass powers to make him supernatural!


Wiki gives a decent summary. I may elaborate on this if it comes up and people are curious about the history I've imagined for the character.


To all appearances, Second Prince Schneizel is everything the Crown Prince isn't. He's intelligent, able to converse with and convince peoples from all sorts of different backgrounds, hence his position as the Prime Minster of Brittania. He's a handsome, charismatic gentleman who treats a lady with respect and courtesy; his behavior is never cause for embarrassment, and he's able to smooth over awkward or volatile social situations with ease. Despite his elevated position he's incredibly generous towards his subjects, never seeming to forget that his subjects are also people, who are fallible and deserving of second chances, who are vulnerable and wanting to have fun. His reputation often precedes him.

But just what is his reputation? Well, rumors say this is the man most responsible for the takeover and defeat of half the EU, Brittania's former rival in terms of territory. He engineers under-the-table deals with nations, is skilled with getting them to accept treaties heavily in Brittania's favor, and is never hesitant to use some extra "persuading" if it's needed. They say he's a ruthless political mastermind with designs on his brother's throne. It's unclear what his intentions are, but whatever they are, people are wary of this man and afraid of his power. The smart ones, anyway.

But then again, that's just hearsay. Judging from his actions, the real Schneizel is indeed a great leader. He doesn't try to achieve his objectives on his own; after all, Schneizel's most effective political weapon is his relationships with "strange people." Schneizel respects talent and knowledge--hence, he gathers people with those characteristics around him and persuades them to work for his benefit, through whatever means possible. He definitely isn't above using people's weaknesses to get them over to his side, and yet he treats them kindly, for encourage loyalty. He is indeed a great strategist, able to look beyond immediate problems and think in terms of the Big Picture. Part of this "Big Picture" mindset means that while Schneizel is as ruthless as his father, their methods are different. For example, Schneizel tends to avoid using unnecessary military force to get his way, perhaps delaying achievement of certain goals but opening the way for "diplomacy" between nations in the long run. He understands things like the futility of getting a people to accept a leader who's lost approval, and the limitations of his own power. To advance his position he's willing to work around the law to sponsor secret projects cough making nuclear bombs.

All this focus on politics has to have some drawbacks, however: Schneizel doesn't seem overly emotionally close to anyone in particular, and as some have observed, doesn't even seem that interested in women or romance. Kanon has nothing to do with this, so YOU WHO IS LAUGHING, shut up!  It's unclear just to what extent he cares about the members of his family even; he doesn't get very visibly upset by the deaths of siblings like Clovis or Euphemia, but the fact that he's so willing to use those deaths to manipulate others' emotions doesn't mean he didn't care when they died, either.  Of course, he believes in brotherhood and friendship when those relationships will work out in his favor.  Lelouch, trust your big brother.  You can kill Daddy after dinner, 'kay?

So all of that in a nutshell: though he seems nice if a bit intimidating, never forget that Schneizel's a man with his own agenda--not his father's, maybe not even his country's, and most definitely not yours.


FIGHTING ► We're not sure at this point if he can fight/pilot mecha, but it's probable he has at least basic knowledge and can pilot somewhat competently, as well as understand some of the technology that goes behind it.

BRAINWISE ► Only person Lelouch couldn't beat at chess as a child. Let's not get into the legality of that move in R2 Ep. 9, shall we? Clever bastard is clever, brilliant strategist capable of deducing many many things; when he can't, he turns to stalking. Suzaku baby, we're sorry D: Don't expect him to be a total genius, but do expect him to be smart.

OTHER ► All the Things That Come With Being Brittanian Royalty. This includes but is not limited to: ballroom dancing, social drinking, artfully passive-aggressive conversation with enemies, manipulation of the people who work for you and ability to make them think you like them too, reading maps, talking your sisters and brothers out of killing each other shitless, talking your Emperor father out of starting yet another world war, bribing people, pwning generally everyone at chess, playing completely illegal chess moves to make a symbolic point, reading people like For Dummies How-To manuals, analyzing terrorist behavior, etc., etc., etc.


I don't have an obvious pairing preference for this character. As long as it makes sense, I'm pretty much open to anything. I'll be playing Schneizel as bipolitsexual, meaning: POLITICS GETS HIM OFF. I.e., don't expect him to get sappy-head-over-heels-in-love with anyone; he's too focused on world conquest himself at the moment for that. He can care about people and maybe he will, but as for the whole "yay-yay we're lovers" thing? TALK TO ME.

About sex: As long as Kanon can imply it, I can play it. But, as I said, don't expect Schneizel to sleep with anyone and don't think he'll fall in love. :/

About Kanon: If someone doesn't app him, I will cry. Bucketloads. Canon cross-dresser? Rumor-mill feeder? Gorgeousness and awesome hair? HOW ARE YOU NOT CONVINCED ALREADY?!


May or may not be coming soon.

Disclaimer: Just so you know, none of what is written here is set in stone. If you have ideas on how I should be playing the character, or pairings you'd be interested in, or plots you'd like him to initiate or get involved with, see contact post and let me know. I love tl;dr about rp, so do let me know, 'kay? :D I'll even be kinda nice for you!

ooc, canon tops you hard, interp is interp baby

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