Sep 21, 2006 21:42
I should have all the money in the world.
That way I could buy a castle in Romania... dig a moat around it.
Have a private airfield with all the planes and helicopters we could ever want... and tanks, cant forget about the tanks.
And there would be lions and panthers and horses... and just one monkey cuz they make me laugh.
And we wouldnt have to work cept we would own a bar that was a lot of fun to be at and had good food so we could go hang out and drink guiness and laugh at/with people.
And we would throw parties in our super cool opera theater with the best dj's and hundreds of cool people... well, there may not be all that many cool people but we are rich so we can hire people to act cool. and that way we can tell them what to dress so they don't look like tools.
And all our friends would be there. And we could get fucked up. And there would be a big pool.
Hell yeah... I am sure I forgot something.