meme: If my fursona was a....

Jul 20, 2012 20:36

meme stolen from Ifus on FA:

1.) If your fursona had to be a primate, it'd be: HELL NO!!

2.) If your fursona had to be a feline, it'd be: well my fursona is already a feline (fantasy tiger), but if i wanted something different i would say a cheetah or maybe a snow leopard?

3.) If your fursona had to be a canine, it'd be: husky! i am totally one of those dogs, all i want to do is run and play alllll day~

4.) If your fursona had to be a hoofed animal, it'd be: rainbow dash XD;

5.) If your fursona had to be a rodent, it'd be: chipmunk, so that i can stuff so much shit in my mouth!

6.) If your fursona had to be reptile, it'd be: hmmm...probably an iguana

7.) If your fursona had to be a marsupial, it'd be: koala

8.) If your fursona had to be a fish, it'd be:so i would say a bata fish

9.) If your fursona had to be an amphibian, an Axolotl because i had one of these but sadly my mom killed him because she put cold cold water in the tank. ;_; if any other it be a turtle too~<33

10.) If your fursona had to be an avian/bird, it'd be: macaw~ (the red, yellow, blue one)

11.) If your fursona had to be a creepy crawly, it'd be: butterly with beautiful colors~

12.) If your fursona had to be a hybrid, it'd be: like a feline mixed with a dog or a dragon. i'm not much into hrbrids as my sona's i'm a purebred so i kind of like to keep my sona as one too.

13.) If your fursona had to be a mythical creature, it'd be: dragon

14.) If your fursona had to be a Pokémon, it'd be: vapreon, or luxray

15.) If your fursona had to be a plant, it'd be: venus fly trap


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