(no subject)

Aug 08, 2006 23:38

if i was a superhero i would want to be one who could turn invisible, think about it, what could you not do then? and dont be a jerk and think of the ONE time it wouldnt work.

if not that flying.i really would like to fly. i mean planes are fun and all but i dont really get to pilot those do i? well i could do taht but it would involve either stealing a plane or working to actually get a pilot's license, so not gonna happen.

personally i hate superstrength, assuming it is your only power. i mean you can be strong but that dosent mean you are "invincible" i.e. superman. however if you do get to be impervious to stuff then it can be amazing. those are some of the big ones.

then you have ice powers, fire powers, etc. those are kinda limited cuz they are mostly just for fighting other superheros. and that really isnt that common in today's world.

crap i for got about freaking MIND POWERS, like moving stuff and seeing thoughts that is really my fav, i want telekenisis lol SPELLED WRONG. but i want it. woah wat if i could move stuff with my mind and be invislble. how would you beat me? YOU WOULDNT! cuz i would be like 20ft away hurling cars at you. until you were dead. that would prolly only take one car btw.

sooooooooooo. i need to go to bed i think to much exercise in one day has befuddled my young mind.


fattie, yes you, you are overweight. deal with it. chubby McChubkins.


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