The Captain of the Ship

Aug 27, 2006 21:35

Shortly after my last entry i left to go meet Jilly, bring her up here and then head round to Joyces to start the wedding celebrations!
Me, my mum and jill went round to The Bells, everyone was shitting it, brilliant. Hung about there for a bit then drove to the Church up Drumchapel. Cant be bothered going on abotu the wedding but it was alright, as far as weddings go. The Reverend was a legerend though, pure massive big smile and long blonde hair, what a guy. Afterwards (and after the wedding phtogoraphers gave me into trouble for takign photos, dicks) It was off to the Good Year!
Spot of nosh in there and then it was time to party, jah. So good, had some crazy band on murdering every song ever but it was pretty class, got down once or twice. MY brother and his bird Jakki showed up later too wich was a nice surprise. Stayed in there until closing time, done all the usual wedding stuff blah blah. Afterwards it was upto joyces for more drinks and MOTHER FUCKING KAREOKE. My throat was in agony at the end of the night, but it was worth it, hd an awsome day. Got pretty bored half way through it so my apreciattion doesnt really show in this update, but it really was a brulliyant day.

The next day i was well knicky knacky noo-nood, so no thai boxing for me, just lazed about with Jilly and thne took her home. Also went to see Snake son a mother fucking plane, wich is probably the best film ever, btw. Later on that evening me, big al and floan went out for John Dicks Birthday in CAMPUS¬!¬!
AS shocking as that place is, it was a hilarious evening, getting SNAKES ON A MOTHER FUCKING PLANE displayed on the screen will never get old. Music was terrible but so was our dancing, banter was good thoguh and thats what made it! Soem night mawn, happy birthday John Boy

Everything gets a bit hazy the now, yeh? But on wednesday me and the morry crew went out for Rebekahs birthday to Kushion and the garage. Again was awrite, best bit was some bouncers threatening to toss me out cause of my palestine scarf, chortle chortle. Also went out last night for abotu 7 different nights out. Me and the Adonis polished a bottle of Tonic wine while Big Al enjoyed a couple of TLs then we were out. ABC FTL, was proper brilliant, stayed downstairs all night, was mad funky house or some crap but it was excellent. DJ kept punching the air, if that doesnt make you want to party i dunno what does. Homeward bound was a fiasco but when is it never, really.

Check how angry pang is, tears.
All this updating made me realise how much ive neglected my real mates :( i am a bastard, must try harder CATHOUSE GUYS YEH HAHA :/

Also caught some sort of cold during the week, unfortunately Jilly had to suffer the brunt of me sneezing and coughing for a few days. The temperature of my body was incredible as well. Jilly kept saying "youre so hot, take your clothes off" least ithink she was going on about my temperature EEP! We had a rocky marathon as well (3 is the best)
Also heard pearl jam LIVE this weekend guys! Via phonecall of course :( But still, was nice of Hughes to phone me and let me hear Black and Alive live, less said the better though, not gutted at all like proper not gutted i never went :|. "rock and roll, mother fucker"

Im off work for two weeks starting today, however, i start back college TOMOROW!! Paisley here i come :) Blerugh.
Oh also, chiped my tooth today on a slice of pizza, no im not joking. The two things ive cracked my teeth on have been the afore mentioned pizza and....wait for it...a slice of toast :| What in the name of christ? TWO LEAST SUSPECT FOOD ITEMS, fucken both dough based, what a crock of shit, im just going to eat snooker balls from now on.

dough, wedding, robz, bex

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