I was out runnin' around today and decided to stop by Radio Shack to
get a cable splitter and some other stuff. See, I've had a Sony
Vaio Media Center Edition pc for about 5 months now and I never got
around to actually hookin' the darn cable up and playin' around with
it. So today, I finally did. It's kinda sorta nifty
really. It has an program guide, plays tv, can pause, record
etc.... Like havin' another Tivo in the house. It also does
slide shows, videos (doesn't support Quicktime of course), and plays
music. Most of the stuff is a little too AOL Family Computer
friendly, but I like the idea of being able to record stuff right onto
my PC and burn it to disc n' junk. Question - Is it sad that I'm
happy about having a TV w/ recorder that's about 15 feet away from my
other TV w/recorder?