We continue on... Round Nine. Thanks for the questions y'all...
If you'd like to ask me a question for question month just comment here... Q: What is the biggest mistake that you think gay men make in relationships?
A: Do gay men make a different set of mistakes that are unique to them :-)? I think the biggest mistake people can make is rushing into being with someone just to avoid being alone. That and not communicating. Communication builds trust and I've found that from my rather limited experience that relationships are all about trust (a surprise to few I'm sure).
Q: What's your favorite type of cake, cookie and breakfast cereal?
A: Hmm, I like white cake with white icing, oatmeal cookies that I make myself, and I don't eat breakfast cereal...
Q: If you could alter one thing about your appearance, what would it be and why?
A: Sometimes I wish my darn beard would grow in fuller. A lot of folks think I shave my beard to look the way it does... But I don't, it's a genetic hand-me-down from my Dad... So I'd like that and a thicker neck, and no love handles, and low hangerz and, and, and, and... hehehe
nephew, sister, me, dad, dad's wife