What's in my pocket?

Mar 11, 2008 17:06

Right now I want to play Wow...  Ew, I'm so infected with it...  It's just so passive...  And it's South Park's fault.  I watched that damn WoW episode and it actually inspired me to try the game.  I mean, that's like someone watching Intervention and taking up Meth and Coke (and I love Intervention so that's scary).  So yeah, I'm an addict (a WoW one... just WoW... hehe)...

Does anyone else play Alliance toons on Drenden?  Me, Zach, and JP and some of the other guys do and there are two bear guilds on there as well.

Thanks to those of you who responded to my God post and answered the poll.  At first I was surprised at how heavy the responses were on the atheist/agnostic side and then I realized (duh) that people who are on my friends list or who read my journal are generally on there and keeping up because we have shared opinions/values/interests - or at least overlapping/similar ones.  I enjoyed reading over the comments especially and finding out your thoughts on God and your own spirituality.  Very cool.  When I replied to JP I said "I want to start the Church of Personal Responsibility"... Well, someone beat me to it.  Check this out.  I plan on reading more of it over.  I feel like such a dunce for not exploring this before.

A co-worker turned me onto this.  It's an amazing new file sharing app called Drop Box that I've signed up to be in the Beta on.

Have you checked out Hulu yet?  Be prepared to hear a lot about it in the coming months.  It's out of Beta and all the majors are playing ball (minus CBS and ABC - okay, yeah - they're big... but anyway...)  I've been on the Beta and it's a pretty intelligent model.  That is, it's basically like old skool tv, but on the net, and on demand.  So they're back to a commercial-based model but just not so damn many of 'em.  It's a great way for folks without cable or with little at-home time to catch up on shows.  Here's an example of the quality with one of the clips o' the moment that's been going around:

Ok, back to it.  Oh wow - almost forgot, I picked up Dragon's Lair on Bluray... Hells yes!  Can't wait to play later tonight!

Oh, and thanks to those of you who learned me on Yaz.  Much appreciated.

computer stuff, lj, hulu, bluray, god, wow

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