I've been enjoying playing WoW for about a year now I think. I used to play City of Heroes and City of Villains but the grind of those games just started to bore me after a while (no matter how fun it was to play with
shortstackbear, and Ian - woof). WoW still has grind but the game mixes things up in a way to hold my interest. But even that interest is limited to playing with friends. COH/V I could solo or do pick-up groups and still sorta have fun. WoW is really boring to me unless I'm playing with friends. Luckily I've know a bunch o' folks who play and now have two pick-up teams that I'm involved with.
The newest is me,
rugbybearpa, and when available
bigsabu. We were just gonna play on Wednesday but we had so much fun we played Thursday too. We're going to try and play at least once a week (Sats) with our Blood Elves. Here's a shot of MakeAfist - my lvl 8 Priest:
Teen Girl Squad (
redbeardedblond) rules Tuesday nights and at level 35, Tompkins is my highest ranking character in any game ever (yes, I'm fickle and I have a habit of wanting to start new toons when I get bored). I think what holds my interest in WoW and staying with a toon is the ability to learn trades like skinning and leathercrafting. There's always something to work on and you get new abilities fairly often (COH/V was mind numbing in how stingy they were with giving you new toys to play with). Here's a shot of how Tompkins is looking these days:
Most of the stuff he's wearing is stuff I made myself (project runway orc geek shit). So yeah, it's sorta cool and I'm enjoying it. Doing the whole moderation thing so I don't get completely lost in it all. But it is a nice escape now and again.