Inspired by Glass - The CGBCreative Meme Begins Now!

Oct 19, 2007 11:57

In about 2 minutes chrisglass will begin his Adobe throwdown...  Inspired by the creative volley that's about to ensue I bring you the CGBCreative Meme.

1) We start with the photo below...  First person saves it to their computer and adds anything they want to it.  They then comment to this post and include the updated photo in their comment.

2) Read the comments section of this post and take the most recently commented version and add to it...  Then comment your version to the thread...

3) In 48 hours At some point I'll take the most recently updated photo and pass it to one of the contributors.  They'll then post it to their journal and continue the process...

4) Forever and ever A-Meme

fun stuff, meme crap

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