FireFox Ate My Active Participation in Your Lives

Oct 15, 2007 13:44

Well, I had about 25 LJ entries set aside to comment on but an odd FireFox browser hiccup off of inmfs's rugby photo (which is awesome) made FF close and I lost 'em all along with some other things I had set aside to read and look over.

This would fall under a "FUCK!" banner...

cpratt, for the record I am interested in your September '08 trip but I'm way too lazy to go back and dig up the post.

garycotti, I'm glad you didn't throw in the towel because all my happiness depends on you becoming a success - no pressure of course.

popebuck1, I'm really curious how yer gig on Pushing Daisies went so I'm gonna unlazy long enough to go back and check it out.

billys_shirts, stop being so hot and so far away (ok, just stop the far away part).

sluggobear and e_ticket, glad you enjoyed the show.  Still trying to figure out why you went to it (hee hee).

jliv, just saying Hi because I feel like it.

climatebearnj, nice to see the photos from the SD trip and all the stuff you took in Madrid.  Good times.

bearringsd, Happy Birthday!

boodhabear, Have fun actively participating you quitter...

grumblor, your AT-AT shirt should hang with mine (preferably on the floor near my bed)

In other news I'm in a pretty foul mood at the moment.  I think I need some me time which I won't really get until tomorrow evening at some point.  I think the mood is a combination of the impending Fall time change, drinking more than usual over the weekend, and not getting enough sleep last night.  Oddly enough, I think working at the bar tonight will help me kick it.

Reasons why I need to not be a bitch and snap out of it?  I had a kick ass time (not working) at PECs on Friday with visiting fakeplasticbear along with a lot of the other guys who were out.  I went to see Elizabeth: The Golden Age which was decent but not as enjoyable as the first flick with bearxxl and Andy and enjoyed that.  I also enjoyed a casual and fun get together at Chris and Dan's on Saturday evening.  I learned that pinner123 is an even more hopelessly gaytarted Brady Bunch fan than I am.  And that's a good thing.  Had brunch with Sluggo and some of the guys (including visiting Paul from CT) on Sunday morning.  I made the mistake of having an excellent massage that totally blissed/relaxed me out right before I went to work yesterday at the bar.  Got to work in the totally wrong mindset and fought all night not to be too huge a stick in the mud (which is tough when you have maverick1303 in full on Coyotee Fugly mode as your co-pilot).  But i gotta say I did enjoy working with Matt and hope to do it again before long.  Send your prayers his way as he had to turn around and do the day shift at the bar today.

Other good things:  The new Radiohead album...  Hmm, I'm sure there are other good things... Lemme think.  Ah - I did get new tires put on the car and it's driving a LOT better now.  Note to Tire Depot - don't put a fish pond with running water in your waiting area if you aren't going to provide public toilets - I'm just sayin'...  I also watched the Aqua Teen Hunger Force flick and it was pretty ok.  Heading to NYC next week!

And a little tech FYI for FireFox - sluggobear told me about this setting but I couldn't remember where it was located.  Found it today - and it would have helped me not lose all my tabs.  Under tools > options > Main Tab, you can set under "startup" an option that will keep all your tabs from your last session when you close everything out.  Just choose "Show my windows and tabs from last time" in the "When FireFox starts" drop down options menu.  You should keep in mind though that FF treats each tab as it's own browser and requires system resources as such.  If you notice a drain you might want to close some tabs.

stuff, life, me

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