Last night
rugbybearpa and I met up downtown at the convention center to hit the ComicCon preview night. We did some walking and a little shopping (I got a wicked cool t-shirt) and then we got an invite to see the 2nd Reel of Beowulf in full on 3-D with Niel Gaiman and the director of the flick. Serious, we were the first audience in the world to see this 20 minutes of footage. I will say that for motion capture it's pretty damn amazing. It will benefit from a bit more rendering but still, wow... can't wait to see it in November. Thanks
e_ticket for getting us in there!
Today we went to the Paramount presentation... and here goes:
Indy 4 live from the set with an announcement that Karen Allen will be back as Marian (holy shit!) Harrison Ford looks old!
John Favroue (sp) coming out to pimp Iron Man (looked awesome)
The SNL dudes who brought us "dick in a box" coming out to pimp their flick
Star Trek - Yikes! Scyler playing Spock and Leonard Nemoy in the house too!
The untitled JJ Abrahms flick will be a monster movie but a cool USA rocks fuck Godzilla kinda deal
Then we hit the LOST gig with a long Q and A that was tasty...
Found some more stuff I want to buy and will
Saw Jordy and Troy from Star Trek TNG
Had food with Mike, Matt, Zach, Dave, Sean, Matty and two more friends (names are slipping)
Happy Birthday Matt!
Tomorrow we're off to Disney. Having a great time with Zach (he rocks!)
More ComicCon on Sat!