Movies and things n' stuff...

Mar 11, 2007 23:25

I've got a lot to blog about from the weekend and when I get a little more time I'll be sure and do so. For now let me just toss a few items on down.

Running with Scissors - good lord, it's true... The movie pretty much sucked like everyone had said it did. I enjoyed the book and I figured I just had to find out for myself - and I did. Disjointed, poorly directed, and lacking any sort of spirit that was found in the book. The only thing I found myself liking was the final "scene" between character and author. 30 seconds out of a full feature. *bummer*

Monster House - Nothing mind blowing here but an entertaining movie for sure. The house animation was impressive and the motion capture technique worked without being creepy. I had a couple of questions about the direction here and there but I'm gonna save 'em to ask Jay - hehe, yeah - I was watching the extras and totally forgot that this adorable bear dude Jay worked on the movie. I met him and his partner at Gay Days so was pretty darn cool seeing his handsome mug pop up on the screen.

New TVs - I was SOOO close to buying a new tv today. I actually stood there and said to myself "If someone asks me if I need help in the next 5 minutes I will buy this tv". Best Buy employees, you missed yer chance. I was totally ready to throw down 1,500 on that HP 42 incher!

Battlestar Galactica - About to watch it now...
ANTM - Watched the first ep at last... Glad my computer has been recording eps for me because I like the group they have this time around.
30 Rock - not the strongest ep, but still love it
South Park - Brilliant!
LOST - I should never have let my faith slip... the last ep was worth Hurley's VW hippy happy sappy feel goodedy bla bla...

DLST - Glad we got to spring forward early but it really did a number on me this morning with working at the bar. Went to bed at "4am" and woke around "1pm"... felt like such a bum.

Ok - I still owe you a bar round up (I worked Fri and Sat and have some stories to tell for sure) and some other stuff too. Stay tuned...

best buy, tv, movies

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