The Ghost at #411

Feb 14, 2007 20:58

Tonight I went to see The Messengers. It was awful. It was about ghosts and parents who don't listen. It was very lame. Lamer? The audience. Far too many young adults in puffy jackets whispering their Valentines Day apologies to each other (I mean, they must have been apologizing for taking their partner to this flick right?). Example:
male: mumble boooralamooble boo burble blah
female: (higher pitch) mmmahmumaboolamoomahmooo
and so on... just quiet enough to be quiet but loud enough to be annoying. But the movie was so bad I honestly didn't even care that I was missing it.

And then I got home to find another ghost - ME! That's right, I was still logged into 411 but my profile no longer existed. As you saw in my previous post, I put pics of me wearing a BearCiti shirt in my profile. They went through. So today, to stir the shit up a little more I attempted to change my profile to the following:

As a user of 411 it might interest you to read the following. It's a long exchange but it will show you a few aspects of 411 and its webmaster that you might not currently be aware of. I will probably get my profile deleted for this but even if only a few of you read it, it will be worth it to me.


Below is an email exchange between Greg, the webmaster of this site and my friend Mike. The e-mails are copied and pasted exactly as they occurred. I have not changed or omitted anything (except that I have removed both of our e-mail addresses.)...

This last bit and the rest of my submitted profile were taken from sluggobear's post and email exchange with Greg. I pushed submit and waited.

Here's what your pal list looks like when you're logged in but you have no profile:

And then this:

So that's that. In other news, buffalobear posted the backshot of me to his profile. Greg didn't delete his profile but he did remove the photo and replace it with an older one. To me, that's even creepier. And no, I didn't get any sort of email or notification from 411 that my profile had been removed. But I didn't expect one. I'm not going to send a note to Greg because I think my profile submission says it all.

Okay, time to move on. Thanks for tolerating my 411 posts!

411 and other things that suck, 411 is done

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