Chuck Klosterman - Ya Dig?

Aug 17, 2006 16:37

He's got a new book coming out.

I first read Chuck after seeing Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs on an employee recommendation bookcase at a borders or something.  He's a GenX pop culture nut so no big surprise, we have a lot in common and share quite a few view points.  I've since read Killing Yourself to Live (which was equally entertaining) and recommend them both.  I went ahead a pre-ordered this one.  If you like pop culture, music, and random musings on life you'll dig his stuff (click the photo for an interview between him and Bill Mahr).

Here's a bit that I loved from Sex Drugs and Cocoa Puffs that I previously quoted in LJ back in February of '05:

From the essay "Sulking with Lisa Loeb on the Ice Planet Hoth"

This being the case [he refers to the simple truths of GenX], it's clear that Luke Skywalker was the original Gen Xer.  For one thing, he was incessantly whiny.  For another, he was exhaustively educated--via Yoda--about things that had little practical value (i.e., how to stand on one's head while lifting a rock telekinetically).  Essentially, Luke went to the University of Dagobah with a major in Buddhist philosophy and a minor in physical education.  There's not a lot of career opportunities for that kind of schooling; that's probably why he dropped out in the middle of the semester.  Meanwhile, Luke's only romantic aspirations are directed toward a woman who (literally) looks at him like a brother.  His dad is on his case to join the family business.  Most significantly, all the problems in his life can be directly blamed on the generation that came before him, and specifically on his father's views about what to believe (i.e., respect authority, dress conservatively, annihilate innocent planets etc, etc.).


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