
Feb 18, 2004 21:48

Smoke?: never have and never will

Do drugs?: not for me

Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: KEM

Sleep with stuffed animals?: not anymore, unless i am in katherin's bed

Think you'll get married?: yes

Have a dream that keeps coming back?: not since it came true

Play an instrument?: sort of

Believe there is life on other planets?: yes, they are coming to get us

Remember your first love?: of course

Read the newspaper?: some times

Have gay/lesbian friends?: yes

Believe in miracles?: i guess

Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: yes

Consider yourself tolerant of others?: in certain situations, yes, in others no

Like the taste of alcohol?: it is not for me

Fave candy?: there are so many

Believe in astrology?: never put much thought into it

Believe in magic?: yes

Believe in God?: i am agnostic, but i believe in something more

Pray?: no

Go to church?: not at all

Have any secrets?: none that i can't share if you are the right person

Any pets?: my dog died last year,

College?: i live at one

Major?: marine biology

Talk to strangers who IM you?: for a little while

Wear hats?: sometimes

Hate yourself?: nope

Wish you were someone else?: no, but i would like certain aspects of other people's lives to happen in mine

Have an obsession?: i spend alot of time online, but there is nothing else to do; music

Collect anything?: music

Have a best friend(s)?: the best in the world

Wish on stars?: when ever i can seem them

Like your handwriting?: not at all

Any bad habits?: eatting, fighting, and probally some others

Care about looks?: somewhat, everyone does though

Believe in witches?: i grew up with the witch of pungo

Satan?: as an actually figure, probally not, but evil has many faces

Ghosts?: i wanted to be a ghostbuster when i was a kid

Trust others easily?: yes

Like noise? some

First thing you think of

I see: movies

I find: little nemo

I want: watch the karate kid

I love: "cake"

I miss: levi, cory, dustin, chrees, abby...etc.

I fear: things i can not control

I hear: the faint

I smell: my room

I crave: oereo's

I search: wilmington, for the karate kid

I wonder: about the future

I regret: nothing

I cried: when i first heard tears in heaven

Last time you:

Bought something: dinner tonight

Danced: in the car after dinner

Were sarcastic: not long ago

Kissed someone: about an hour ago

Talked to an Ex: a few days ago

Nightmare: i don't know

Last book you read: the bhagavad gita

Last movie you saw: beauty and the beast

Last song you heard: the faint number 7 on dance macabre, i am not sure the name of the song

Last thing you had to drink: milk

Feeling this moment: bored


Band: i don't know, there are a ton

Show: the family guy

Song: that is harder than then favorite band question

Sport: baseball or surfing

Color: i don't know

Team: baltimore orioles

Person to talk to online: i don't know

Person: my friends, all of them
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