(no subject)

Dec 11, 2008 05:50

This week has been rough. Really rough. I had to work all weekend, so I haven't had a day off since weekend before last. Last Saturday I had to work a 13.5 hour day with no real break. Sunday wasn't too bad, just two assignments. But this week has been busy as fuck and my boss is totally incompetent.

It's like she wants to be this cool mentor to me and try to coach me on how to shoot my assignments but can't manage to make a fucking schedule or even tell me which assignments I have from day to day. And she never answers her phone. Our business is one in which you should always answer your phone, even if you're not on call that night. Her excuse is always that it's her cell phone not working properly. Well, about a month ago she was told by the higher ups that she needed to get a land line since her cell never seemed to work at her apartment. Apparently she's had one since then and never bothered to give anyone the number. I still don't have it and I know she has one.

She also takes forever to do anything and can't remember anything. Yesterday she spent the whole day trying to write cutlines for photos of National Honors Society. Believe me, it's not that hard. For example. "Vicksburg High School 2008 National Honor Society Members, from left, are Jane Doe, John Smith, and so on and so forth." It's really easy. Why it took her from the night before to yesterday afternoon to finish them I don't know.

I was in my car after getting pissed at her because she again wouldn't answer her cell phone when I put in a Modest Mouse mixed album that a co-worker made for me. The first track is "I've got it almost" and there's a line in it that I've heard so many times, but I guess never at the right time for me to make the connection. It describes her perfectly and my same question about her every day perfectly. "How can someone so inconsistent mess up so consistently?"

Ok, I'm done with my rant for the day. I have to go get ready to deal with more of her stupidity. Even though this week has been killer, I did feel pretty good about it yesterday when I got mad props from my executive editor, Charlie, about my "enthusiasm and technique." It at least made me feel like I'm doing my job right. For a while there I was worried that everyone would think the entire photo department were fuckups just because our boss is.

Well, off to work I go.
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