[003] [accidental voice]

Dec 17, 2008 00:45

[there's some rustling in the background, and then a few footsteps, followed by a few rather destructive-sounding crashes and what sounds suspiciously like rubble falling to the ground]

Perfect! Brilliant! Magnificent! Kyoya~~ This really is a masterpiece of commonality, a peerless wonder of destruction!

Yes-- it's perfect![a pause; ( Read more... )

omg yay!, daddy has work to do, brb recruiting commoners, tres magnifique!, kyoya, host club go!, brb bein awesome, tamaki=bob the builder, just go with it!

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Comment log? rex_britanniae December 17 2008, 06:09:23 UTC
[ Saber is walking by on her way to her own construction work down on the barn and stable, unaware of this other project. ]


commentlog! <3 kingfanboy December 17 2008, 06:31:46 UTC
[Tamaki is admiring the work and, of course, commanding the masses. His own hands are too smooth and delicate to dirty in such a way, really!

...And then there's Saber. Oho! Suddenly he's, well. Right there.]

It's heartbreaking to see such a beautiful maiden braving the wilds of this city alone!


[Comment Log] rex_britanniae December 17 2008, 22:39:34 UTC
[ Naturally, Saber is baffled at that kind of treatment. ]

There is no need for concern, it is simply a part of my current routine.


[Comment Log] kingfanboy December 19 2008, 04:06:00 UTC
[Tamaki only finds that more endearing!]

S-such beautiful self-reliance! Milady, your very presence is inspiring1 Yes, truly!!


[Comment Log] rex_britanniae December 19 2008, 04:18:46 UTC
[Saber is unsure how to react to the rather exuberant young man, her confusion only slightly reflected in her usually impassive expression.]

I...do not think of it as especially inspiring, simply the way I am out of necessity.


[Comment Log] kingfanboy December 20 2008, 19:08:03 UTC
Ah, but that necessity is particularly why it's so moving! For one to do what is necessary at personal risk to themself, to brave rain, snow, or treacherous beasts-- yes! This noble presence is precisely what our Host Club has been inspired by so often!


[Comment Log] rex_britanniae December 21 2008, 01:29:05 UTC
What is this 'Host Club' you speak of? A knightly order, perhaps?


[Comment Log] kingfanboy December 21 2008, 18:31:19 UTC
.....................Knightly order...

[Tamaki ponders this for a moment before deciding that, yes, he totally approves!]

Yes, of course, the idea is quite comparable!


[Comment Log] rex_britanniae December 21 2008, 18:53:09 UTC
[Saber is even more curious now.]

Comparable? In what ways, good sir?


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