To cherish we must learn!

Jan 11, 2011 17:31

As time slips by I keep wondering how am I to live this life when I don’t know what I’m here for? To be loved? To be noticed? To be the force that brings people together? To fight an unwilling fight? To be that person that changes a Nation…?

I’m lost in a world that spins despite all the tragedies that we all inflict on each other.. We say we love but how can we love if we do not except.. To breathe and to feel yet we shut ourselves off.. Bury our lives.. Our loves.. Our desires fearing that we will be looked apon differently.. Since when has that become a bad thing?
We all have the same emotions.. same thoughts.. made up of the same materials, yet we react as if we are all strangers… we are all out to get something out of someone!

Is it because we crave fame and money over love.. understanding and pride? Yes.. It’s my thoughts I type.. Yes you may not like them.. Yes you may curse at the way I choose to say them.. Yes you may raise up and write your words of hate.. but isn’t that what life is all about?

We start wars because we are scared.. We lie because we don’t want to lose.. We kill because we are jealous.. how is this just? It’s not.. It’s a way in each we’ve evolved our civilisation.. To all the old people who cry when they watch what has become of the world they fought soo hard for.. I don’t blame them.. Some how we have let ourselves and our lives down..

I just wanted to vent cause I’m sick of how people can judge yet not willing to be judged.. I’m sick of the fighting over the same things.. I’m sick of how little we cherish our neighbours.. even our neighbours across the oceans.. I want to feel as if life is worth living and that people could stop long enough to think back apon their lives and realise… IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT THEM! It’s about all of us building a damn bridge and getting over it.. It’s about loving and respecting why we are different in the first place..
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