Dec 03, 2009 19:11
Oookaay~ First off Feliz Cumpleanos to Shou-chan!!! xDDD lub u so much u awesome technician!!!!
I read the next KHR chapter it was awesome! It made me love Ryohei even more. Kangaryuu is so awesome! >0< I'm actually surprised that Ryohei does not look like the first guardian of the Sun. That's the first cuz all the others look like the first guardians. Ryohei is just so unique then yay!!! Ah tomorrow is another furlough friday yes! I can't wait for the new KHR episode to come out. I forgot what it was going to be about. ^^;;
Oh by the way Onee-san I did so watch that part of Oofuri! Go check episode 25! I so did watch it I was not mixing it up so ha! xP
khr akira amano oofuri